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特别是超新星1987A。In particular, consider Supernova 1987A.

开普勒超新星遗迹中的大三眼。Three great eyes on kepler's supernova remnant.

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这颗恒星随后发生爆炸,成为II型超新星。The star then explodes in a so-called Type II supernova.

舒尔茨·马库奇说,“小行星冲撞或者超新星爆发都能威胁到我们。Asteroid impact can threaten us, or a supernova explosion.

超新星内核燃烧的三种清晰呈像。Three visualisations of nuclear combustion in a supernova.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费超新星全流?Where can I watch Supernova movie online free full stream?

在每颗星星生命的末尾,他们将会爆炸成为一颗超新星。At the very end of their lives, they explode in as a supernova.

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SUPERNOVA是一款充气式灯具,只产生柔和的热度。SUPERNOVA is an inflatable light that produces soft ambient glow.

到了在这个阶段,这个系统会成为一种特殊类型的超新星。At that point, the system would experience a special kind of supernova.

研究步队用一种Ia型超新星做研究。The teams used a particular kind of supernova, called type Ia supernova.

最亮的超新星在400年内类似于一串宇宙珍珠。The brightest supernova in 400 years resembles a cosmic string of pearls.

县长,有些也是民选的了,许多先进的人物和有为的青年,被选出来当县长了。Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova.

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第二个最新产生的超新星据说在1680年左右就存在了。The second most recent supernova is believed to have occurred around 1680.

这张照片显示的是环形超新星残骸的一部分,名叫RCW86。This image shows a part of the circular supernova remnant known as RCW 86.

现在考虑一次超新星爆发。特别是超新星1987A。Now consider a supernova explosion. In particular, consider Supernova 1987A.

红巨星难道是在某天早晨醒来后忽然决定进行超新星爆发?Does a red giant wake up one morning and suddenly just decide to go supernova?

比铁更重的元素会在超新星爆发过程中形成。Elements heavier than iron are formed in the stellar explosion of a supernova.

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这还是近代天文学家第一次如此近距离的观测到超新星。It was the first opportunity for modern astronomers to see a supernova up close.

这是超新星1604发现以来,银河中距地球最近的超新星。It was the closest supernova since SN 1604, which occurred in the Milky Way itself.

锕合成很快,在这种环境下,因为超新星爆炸。Actinides are synthesized very quickly in such environments as supernova explosions.