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乱云飞渡仍从容!Clouds scud past still unhurried !

他说话时语调不紧不慢。When he talked, his tone was unhurried.

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空气闻起来很清新,生活感觉很悠闲。The air smelled clear, life felt unhurried.

日光淡淡,白云悠悠。The gentle sunlight, the unhurried white clouds.

拥有本书,大大方方逛街去。You may have an unhurried shopping with this book!

说话时要看着对方的眼睛,娓娓道来。Say so in an unhurried way, looking into the person’s eyes.

表现得从容自若,一点都不怯场。He acted in an unhurried manner and didn't have any stage fright.

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事实上,天文摄影需要耐心的去累积光子。In fact, astrophotography is an unhurried accumlation of photons.

因此他从容不迫地仔细研究,直到发现足够证据。Therefore, he carefully studied unhurried manner until sufficient evidence is found.

他歪着头,肩膀前倾,拄着拐杖,步伐不紧不慢。With head tilted and shoulders bent forward, he leaned on his trusty cane with each unhurried step.

他斜着头,肩膀微微向前倾,拄着藤条拐杖不紧不慢地上来了。With head tilted, and shoulders bent forward, he leaned on his trusty cane with each unhurried step.

鞭马、放缰、飞驰,策骑冲到队伍的最前面,不紧不慢地默然前行。Horse whip, put the reins, speeding, riding rushed to the front ranks, unhurried silence before the line.

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采取一种放松的、的不紧不慢的说话方式,这样人们就会认为你是天生的慢性子。Adopt a relaxed, unhurried speaking style, so that people will assume your reaction time is naturally slow.

太极拳的动作看来似乎缓慢,但永不停顿,没有一刻窒滞的时候。Tai Chi Chuan may appear slow and unhurried to an observer, but the movements flow together continuously, without pause.

失业者决定值得花费存款耗尽或巨额贷款赔偿的额外成本去不紧不慢地找工作。The unemployed decide that an unhurried job search is worth the extra cost of depleted savings or heavier loan repayments.

对失业者来说,为了一个从容不迫的求职而花光储蓄或者垒高债台都是值得的。The unemployed decide that an unhurried job search is worth the extra cost of depleted savings or heavier loan repayments.

保持你的会话从容简单,并注意找出非语言线索和肢体语言,了解患者的话背后的含义。Keep your conversation unhurried and simple, and watch for nonverbal clues and body language to find the meaning underlying the words.

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四季里,一直所喜爱的是这样的深秋时节,因为它的成熟与内敛,也因为它的淡定与从容。The four seasons, has been favored by the late autumn season, because of its mature and reserved, but also because of its calm and unhurried.

绪。在既定的环境里久了,在新的境况面前还是做不到淡定与从容。也或许自己原本就是一个消极退守的人。Thread. Established in the environment for a long time, in the new situation before or do not calm and unhurried. Maybe he had a negative retreated.

如果我们不慌不忙而且,我们会认识唯有伟大而优美的事物才有永久的绝对的存在,——锁锁的恐惧与碎碎的欢喜不过是现实的阴影。When we are unhurried and wise, we perceive that only great and worthy things that petty fears and petty pleasures are but the shadow of the reality.