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但它总是会发生。But it invariably does happen.

贞操总能自保。Virtue invariably protects itself.

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女人总是自欺欺人。Women are invariably self-deceptive.

事物都是一分为二的。All things invariably divide into two.

他这人总能找到借口。He would invariably find some excuses.

而黑客无一例外都是爱耍聪明的家伙。And hackers are invariably smart-alecks.

奇特几乎总能提供一种线索。Singularity is almost invariably a clue.

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一问到他,他总是不吱声。When questioned, he invariably dummy up.

危机总是会引发互相指责。Crises invariably trigger finger-pointing.

当我生病时,您老是陪同着我。When I was ailing, you invariably stood by me.

人类社会总是向好的方向发展。Human society develops invariably to abetter state.

作为妻子,她惟一的缺点就是能在任何时候都不做错事。To be invariably right was her single wifely failing.

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然而,所有的浪漫与她总是迅速终结。However, any romance of hers invariably ended quickly.

这会让交付价值变得更慢,对所有客户都会变慢。It delivers value more slowly to everyone. Invariably.

你会有动摇的时候,或许一直如此。There will be times when you falter, almost invariably.

城市核心集团都是州核心集团的组成部分。City machines were invariably components of state rings.

统一体总要分解为不同部分的。A unity invariably tends to break up into different parts.

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我总是会一成不变地挑错衣服,这只会让我们更迟。I will invariably get it wrong and make us even more late.

体形较丰满的人穿夏装总是不那么好看。Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures.

他从球座上挥出的长打几乎都是既远又准。His drives off the tee are almost invariably long and true.