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但是那种膨胀性的热诚或许会成为这家公司的软肋。But that expansionary zeal may turn out to be the firm’s Achilles’ heel.

既好又快且无通胀的十年已逝。The Nice – non-inflationary, consistently expansionary – decade has gone.

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能够稳定NGDP增长的货币政策可能在政治上行不通。A monetary policy expansionary enough to stabilize NGDP growth may be politically infeasible.

量化宽松被认为是一种扩张性的货币政策,意图推动经济复苏。This is supposed to be an expansionary monetary policy designed to promote economic recovery.

国际货币组织在其最新的经济展望中,也对扩张性赤字削减的主意持有疑问。The IMF casts doubt on the idea of expansionary deficit reductions in its latest economic outlook.

侦查活动天然的主动性和扩张性决定了侦查权很容易出现被滥用的情况。The investigating power can be easily abused according to its natural initiative and expansionary.

原则主要有发展性原则、以自我评价为主的原则和科学性原则。The principles include expansionary principle , self-evaluation-oriented principle and scientific principle.

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一千年前,格兰人开始扩张,在霍克和马拉斯代尔建立起殖民地。About a thousand years ago, the Gran began expansionary efforts that saw colonies erected on Hok and Malastare.

如果美联储推行了扩张性的货币政策,那么1930年的经济大萧条或许不会如此严重。And maybe if the Fed had pursued an expansionary monetary policy the Depression would have been less severe in 1930.

我们还需要一个进取性的住房计划以限制止赎行为,一个扩张性的货币政策,以及一次银行业的资本结构调整”。We need an aggressive housing program to limit foreclosures, a more expansionary monetary policy, and a bank recapitalization.

一些大公司因扩张性财政与货币政策而得以继续运转,但政策毕竟是一时之策。Several big economies are being supported by expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, which will eventually have to be unwound.

有一位刻薄的批评人士将这种所谓的紧缩政策引起的扩张性效果比作迷信“信心仙子”。One caustic critic referred to claims about the expansionary effects of austerity as amounting to belief in the “confidence fairy.”

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所以在这方面,我赞同鲁迪布什——我们必须在一段较长的时间里致力于高扩张性的货币政策。So in that respect I am with Mr Rudebusch—we need to commit to a highly expansionary monetary policy for an extended period of time.

6月PMI未来“新出口订单”部分的数据位50.1,这是从2008年6月以来首次显示扩张。The forward-looking “new export orders” component of PMI registered a 50.1 last month, the first expansionary reading since June 2008.

本文结合中国及世界宏观经济发展,分析了全球化策略中出口拓张政策的双重效应。Based on the development of Chinese and world mac ro-economy, this paper analyzes the double effects of the expansionary export policy.

随着习与李的权力基础逐渐加强,维持扩张性信贷政策的风险将逐渐超越其收益。With Xi's and Li's power bases seemingly strengthened, the risks of maintaining expansionary credit policies would outweigh the benefits.

那些对扩张性货币政策惶惶不可终日者为维护其立场一直都在不断地发明着各种口号。And those who are horrified at the idea of expansionary monetary policy have been inventing concepts on the fly to justify their position.

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一些经济学家正在敦促北京对扩张政策进行微调,以降低资产价格泡沫和通货膨胀的风险。Some economists are urging Beijing to fine-tune its expansionary policies to lower the risks of asset-price bubbles and inflation. But Mr.

此外,我们有大量来之其他国家关于财政扩张或紧缩政策的证据,证据显示造成的影响都是消极的。Beyond that, we have a lot of evidence from other countries about the prospects for "expansionary austerity" — and that evidence is all negative.

奥地利学派的经济学家们将1819经济恐慌导致的全国范围内的经济衰退视为扩张性货币政策的失败。Austrian school economists view the nationwide recession that resulted from the Panic of 1819 as the first failure of expansionary monetary policy.