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拆卸十字槽螺丝帽。Remove Phillips head screw.

菲利浦先生是个生性快活的人。Mr. Phillips was a cheery man.

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毫无疑问,菲利普斯是个颇有号召力的演说家。Phillips was a featured speaker.

插入并且旋紧十字槽头螺丝。Insert and tighten Phillips head screw.

我们要开始玩扑克牌了,你要亮出你所有的底牌,而我不打算亮出任何一张牌。"We're going to play poker, " Phillips says.

继ITC之后的是戈弗雷-菲利普斯和VST两大公司。Godfrey Phillips and VST are two major players after ITC.

伊斯拉是彼得和奥特姆·菲利普斯的第二个女儿。Isla is the second daughter of Peter and Autumn Phillips.

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菲力浦公园的两边是比利大道及艾尔姆霍斯特大街。Phillips Park was bordered by Pelee Boulevard and Elmhurst.

乌尔里希·菲利普斯多年前就一直在研究Now Ulrich Phillips argued this years and years and years ago.

菲利普斯已经在中国居住和工作了20多年。Phillips has resided and worked in China for more than 20 years.

那次见面非常感人。菲利浦说,”他哭了,我也哭了。The meeting got emotional. "He cried," Phillips said. "I cried."

逃犯拉菲。菲利普是本案的首要嫌疑犯。Fugitive Ralph " Bucky " Phillips is considered the prime suspect.

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科赫兄弟选择菲利普斯无疑昭示了他们更进一步的执着。The Kochs’ choice of Phillips signalled an even greater toughness.

菲利普获救了,并于几小时后踏上回家的路途。Phillips was rescued and within hours was on his way back to his family.

他出席了菲利普学院,在马萨诸塞州安多弗的民办学校。He attended Phillips Academy, a private school in Andover, Massachusetts.

还能知道马克毕业于飞利浦艾克赛特学院之后进入哈佛大学学习。He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and attended Harvard University.

发送一个紧急的邮件,欧特迦蓝迪菲利普斯说乔丹是在一个糟糕的状态。Ortega sends an urgent email to Randy Phillips saying MJ is in a bad state.

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铁板牙螺丝,平头,十字槽,镀锌或磷化黑色。Tapping screws, Pan head, Phillips or Pozi drive, zinc or black phosphated.

菲力普斯先生听到了这里的声音,慢慢的从教室后面走了过来。Mr Phillips heard the noise, and came slowly to the front of the schoolroom.

詹妮弗桑德伯格是在费雪与菲利普斯亚特兰大办事处法律的合作伙伴。Jennifer Sandberg is a law partner in the Atlanta offices of Fisher & Phillips.