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你在马尔代夫的暂住地是?Where are you stay in Maldives?

一条灰烬隆头鱼的眼睛马尔代夫。The eye of an ember parrotfish Maldives.

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马尔地夫是全世界最坦平的国家。Maldives is the flattest country in the world.

马尔地夫拥有80多个海滨渡假胜地,巴洛斯岛只是其中之一!There are over 80 Beach Resorts in The Maldives.

在马尔代夫,推测埃及伊蚊是媒介。In the Maldives Ae. aegypti is the presumed vector.

那么马尔代夫怎么样?那里被称为人间天堂。What about Maldives? It is known as a paradise on earth.

在马尔代夫潜水都要出具PADI的潜水执照。Diving in the Maldives have to issue a PADI diving license.

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我也想看,马尔代夫就是上天专为人类度假而设的。Me too, Maldives is existed naturally for human's vacation.

在马尔代夫潜水都要出具PADI的潜水执照。In the maldives diving are issued by my PADI diving licence.

在马尔代夫钓鱼也是一种别有一种风情。Fishing in the Maldives is also a kind of do not have a life.

马尔代夫位于赤道附近,属热带气候。The Maldives comprises the equator and has a tropical climate.

马尔代夫的太阳真够厉害的,防晒霜一点也不能省。The maldives sun is really fierce, sunscreen has no provinces.

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长久以来,马尔代夫在人们心目中堪称一片神秘的土地。For a long time, the Maldives is a best-kept secret in the world.

在马尔代夫钓鱼也是一种别有一种风情。In the maldives fishing is also one kind fastens a amorous feelings.

我好想去马尔代夫,去看那里的星星海海。I think I will have some seafood since Maldives is surrounded by water.

McKechnie强调,马尔代夫所面临的问题是短期的。McKechnie stresses that the problems facing the Maldives are short term.

阿杜甘是在环礁岛国马尔代夫最大的岛屿。Gan is the largest island in Addu atoll in the island nation of Maldives.

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因为温室效应呗,这些岛屿是属于马尔代夫的。It's because of the greenhouse effect, and these islands belong to Maldives.

然而,他赞扬了马尔代夫政府对灾害作出的反应。However he praises the government of the Maldives for its response to the disaster.

我们愿与马方共同努力,不断推动双边关系向前发展。China is willing to work together with Maldives to push bilateral relations forward.