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峇峇是土生华人男子。A baba is a Peranakan man.

但美赫巴巴中午没来。But Meher Baba did not come at noon.

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我喜欢丽江粑粑。我的朋友们也喜欢。I like Lijiang baba. So do my friends.

从此以后,阿里巴巴和玛吉安娜过着幸福的生活。Ali Baba and Morgiana lived happily ever after.

但在你面前,我仅仅是一个托钵僧,你的赛巴巴。But before you, I am just a fakir, you Sai Baba.

那人终于弄明白了怎么做丽江粑粑的方法。The man found out the way how to make Lijiang baba.

参与心爱的阿瓦塔美赫巴巴的亲爱兄弟姐妹。Dear Sisters and Brothers in Beloved Avatar Meher Baba.

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盘子里飘着黍子迷你香味的舂粑粑糯香!Plate Piaozhuo millet mini-Chung Baba waxy smell of incense!

一个聪明的女奴帮助阿里巴巴摆脱了40大盗。A clever slave-girl helps Ali Baba escape from the 40 thieves.

也许这就是为什么我们呼吁远氨基丁酸和母亲的妈妈。Maybe that is the reason we call farther BABA and mother MAMA.

没有比盗窃更十恶不赦的事情了,阿米尔。There is no act more wretched than stealing, Amir, ?Baba said.

这两块金子非常诱惑巴巴木沙发。The two pieces of gold were great temptations to Baba Mustapha.

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但是尼克很想要一双雪白的手套,最后芭芭还是答应给它织了。But Nicki wanted snow-white mittens, and finally Baba made them.

所以,首先,要净化你的心灵。“赛爸爸。So, first and foremost, make your heart pure. "-sathya Sai Baba".

跳了几段舞后,阿里巴巴和他儿子赏给玛琪安娜一块金子。After several dances Ali Baba and his son gave her a piece of gold.

巴巴木沙发坐着手里拿着一个锥子,正在工作。Baba Mustapha was seated with an awl in his hand, just going to work.

我写信给巴巴,说我想去阿美纳伽得到他的达善。I wrote to Baba that I wanted to go to Ahmednagar to have His darshan.

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我记得当时我求爸爸带我们到伊朗去,那样我们就可以见到约翰·韦恩了。I remember begging Baba to take us to Iran so we could meet John Wayne.

阿里巴巴这么做了,看到了一个男人,吓得往回退,叫了出来。Ali Baba did so, and seeing a man, started back in alarm, and cried out.

我进去的时候,爸爸和拉辛汗边抽大烟边喝白兰地。Baba and Rahim Khan were smoking pipes and sipping brandy when I came in.