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我没有那么多的艺术细胞。I'm not very arty.

我最恨这些艺术片了。I hate those arty movies.

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他们开了一家小陶器店兼咖啡馆,很喜欢附庸风雅。They run a little pottery shop and cafe and are very arty -crafty.

这次,她或许已经证明了具有艺术气息的音乐照样也能流行。This time she might have shown that “* arty music can also be popular”.

她那套附庸风雅的穿戴似乎跟她的举止格格不入。The whole arty get-up seemed oddly at variance with the way she behaved.

阿奇和奥黛丽的箭和阿蒂的箭一样是假冒的艺术品吗?Are Archie and Audrey’s archery arrows as arty as Artie’s archery arrows?

最终他们变得更轻柔而且附庸风雅——更适合用作舞曲了。And they eventually became less heavy and more arty — more danceable even.

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巧用模特儿是范思哲时装艺术的一种创作手法。Using model opportunely is the arty when Fan Saizhe creates technique one kind.

这里有一些最好地技巧自己曾经找到啦多年来给一个家一个冷冰冰地觉得。Here are some of the best tips I've picked up over the years for giving a home an arty feel.

注意,该文章说二炮不具备可以到达关岛的常规弹道导弹射程能力。Note that the article says 2nd Arty has no conventional ballistic missile capable of reaching Guam.

不要看不起党外人士,我们的经验他们很快就可学会。Do not look down on non-P arty people, for they can master the lessons of our experience very quickly.

当一个小组在那个位置,除非小组长要求或者他们已经阵亡,不然不要发送炮击支援。Don't send arty in when a squad is in a location unless the squad leader asks for it and they have cover.

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布莱顿摄影双年展把他的作品介绍给附庸风雅的全新观众,也反过来刺激了格雷斯。While BPB introduced his work to an entirely new, arty audience, it also gave rise to a recurring irritation for Gleis.

例如,母亲也许和她那个敏感、喜欢附庸风雅的儿子特别亲近,而父亲则会十分关注自己爱好运动的女儿。For example, mum will have a special bond with her sensitive, arty son, while dad lavishes attention on his sporty daughter.

但是,中国是附庸风雅的的骗子,故意泄漏这个新闻是为了表明中国也正面临着自由风潮。But Chinese are artistic and arty liars . The news leak is deliberate to show that China also is facing the onslught of liberal winds.

劳伦斯成功的吸引了热爱艺术的人们在他的硫磺世界,最后给美丽女人的催眠。Lorenzo has succeeded in attracting the arty people in his sulfurous world in which feminine hypnotic beauty finally meets intelligence.

这只满身艺术气质的山羊口衔画笔,先打底稿,再加以修饰完善,整个过程让人惊叹。The arty animal picks up the brush in his mouth before creating a rough draft and then tidies up the painting, leaving onlookers stunned.

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工业化的外砖墙上布满了各种颓废风格的涂鸦艺术,涂鸦者们都在此处并且谈论着他们的最新画作。Industrial, exposed brick work looms confidently over the the arty "boho type" people who hang out and chat about their latest art projects.

这也是一个挑战,而为了更充分地表现这种挑战的力量,有时候常常会需要我们放弃审美的装饰和掩护,但同时对人的智慧和勇气也会提出更高的期望和要求。This is a big challenge. To show the powerfulness of the challenge, sometimes we have to put aside the arty "taste" and coming out under all the covers.

英格兰最好的球场象是建在了不合适的位置——建在了富有并浪漫的切尔西市的边缘,但是历史证实了米尔斯的选择是正确的!The finest sports stadium in London seemed a little out of place on the edge of well-heeled and arty Chelsea but as history shows, Mears had chosen well.