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我是个感情脆弱的失败者。I'm a sentimental failure.

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这并非感情用事。This is not sentimental duty.

萨姆就是这样的柔情蜜意。Sam was sentimental like that.

我觉得你有点多情善感。I think you're kind of sentimental.

最最伤感是流年,白发罩住了红颜。Is the most sentimental time, his coffin.

他非常讨厌多愁善感无病呻吟。He has a strong dislike for the sentimental.

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她总是这样感情冲动。She has always been pathetically sentimental.

美国,我对华伯莱斯抱有感伤的感情America I feel sentimental about the Wobblies.

好吧,这是一个关于无病呻吟的故事。Well um, it's about a sickly, sentimental story.

克洛伊洛厄一个纯感性的表现。A pure sentimental performance from Chloe Lowery.

它既感伤又深刻地在此刻涌现出来。Something both sentimental and profound welled up.

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他对自己的出生地有眷恋之情。He has a sentimental attachment to his birth-place.

早知道感情丗届如此冷漠。Knew early the sentimental world is so indifferent.

丁风一缕如果是你,我会化成多情小雨。D ray, if you wind, I will drizzle into sentimental.

如果他们做的过分了,我们就说他们很多愁善感。If they overdo it, then we say they are sentimental.

难怪妈妈说我像多愁善感的林黛玉。No wonder my mother said I like sentimental Lin daiyu.

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鲜花和卡片,不论是感性的还是笨手笨脚的,都很好。Flowers and cards, whether sentimental or goofy, are fun.

南正基知道玉多情即将要搬家非常难过。Nan Zhengji know jade sentimental about to move very sad.

他爸爸带他踏上了去爱尔兰的情感之旅。His father took him on a sentimental pilgrimage to Ireland.