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这矛头引出了许多问题。This spearhead raises many questions.

新上任的常务董事将在这场运动中挂帅。The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign.

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然后我把矛头指向妈妈,“你也很胖。And then I directed the spearhead at mother, "You are also so fat.

你不一定是喜欢这些人的长期的先遣队。You don't have to be a long-time spearhead to love these guys either.

新闻报道说英国和法国战机有可能成为先遣队发动进攻。News reports said British and French warplanes would spearhead the attack.

中间的铜铆是何用途?可有些枪头又完全是铁造?。What's the middle copper rivet for?But some spearhead is made all by iron?

正如一位著名的中国社科院专家指出的那样,“矛头不久将指向中国”。As one prominent CASS analyst puts it, the "spearhead will soon be pointed at Beijing."

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鲁尼领衔锋线,尝试继续他不可思议的进球势头。Wayne Rooney will spearhead the attack and look to keep his incredible goalscoring run going.

尽管立法进展不顺,本周的拍卖却旨在充当先锋。This week's auction round was meant to spearhead development despite that stalled legislation.

一年内他就成为了阿森纳的前锋主力,帮助球队赢得双冠王。Within a year he was the spearhead of the Arsenal attack and helping them towards the 'double'.

中国流行歌手李宇春正在建立一个新的基金来帮助患有白血病的儿童。Chinese pop singer Li Yuchun is helping to spearhead a new fund to help children with leukaemia.

它在开罗开设了一个新的营销中心,在非洲和中东展开扩张。It has opened a new marketing centre in Cairo to spearhead expansion in Africa and the Middle East.

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无论领导一场企业救赎战,还是让企业更上一层楼,都是令人望而生畏的任务。It's a daunting task for any leader to spearhead corporate redemption, or even a well-managed uptick.

利比亚也采纳了外国顾问的建议,设立了经济发展委员会以推动改革。On the advice of foreign consultants, the country has just set up an economic development board to spearhead reform.

但是Makki并没有幻想仅凭报酬就能帮助科学技术研究充当伊拉克发展的先锋。But Makki is under no illusion that pay alone will help science and technology research spearhead Iraq's development.

那么为什么BMW公司要花费大量的时间、金钱、能源去成为氢燃料汽车技术的急先锋呢?So why is BMW expending copious amounts of time, money and energy to spearhead the production of hydrogen-powered vehicles?

萨姆将亲自出马,寻找一名有声望,有能力的所长,当然必要时西莉亚也将协助她。Sam personally would spearhead the search for a prestigious, capable scientific director, though Celia would help as needed.

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1704年,梅文鼎回到了中国,担起了科学和工业革命的先头部队从而让中国能在世界上占有一席之地。In 1704, Mei went back to Beijing, to spearhead scientific and industrial revolutions that were to give China global mastery.

香港是由内地移民形成的城市,也是经西方殖民政治塑造成的一块地角。Hong Kong, like Shanghai, is an immigrant city, a metropolis shaped by colonial politics and a spearhead of Chinese modernity.

他们拥有包括两个费迪南营在内的700多辆坦克和250辆突击跑的装甲部队。Two battalions of the monster Ferdinands would spearhead an assault force that contained more than 700 tanks and 250 assault guns.