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他们试图做的是一种非凡的钢丝绳表演。What they're attempting is a high-wire act extraordinaire.

这款特制布朗尼是由新泽西州亚特兰大城推出的。The Brownie Extraordinaire is sold in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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这是由于他是动作片的化身或者说他是位非凡的国际动作影星。This is because he is movie-action incamate or action-star extraordinaire around the world.

因为那个原因,库克,你能原谅这个表达,是一个杰出的执行主管。And for that course, Cook is, you will pardon the expression, an executive chef extraordinaire.

杰出的投资家吉姆罗杰斯对政府干预经济政策措辞严厉。Investor extraordinaire Jim Rogers has harsh words for the government's interventionist economic policy.

尽管多纳多尼可能妒忌,但是超级门神布冯对于马切洛·里皮的崇敬却是相当大的。While Donadoni may be jealous, goalkeeper extraordinaire Gigi Buffon's admiration for coach Marcello Lippi is huge.

小罗斯福是个非凡的酷酷,他作到了同时让政府更强大和更廉洁。Franklin Roosevelt was a goo-goo extraordinaire. He simultaneously made government much bigger and much cleaner. Mr.

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我有幸目睹中国过去20年取得走过的发展历程并感到由衷的高兴。I am very pleased to witness the extraordinaire progress and achievement China dairy industry has made in past 20 year.

今天,我们将利用下午的阳光来拍照,所以我们启程去会见Martin,一位非凡的婚礼摄影师。Today we will use the afternoon light to take the photos, so off we go to meet Martin, wedding photographer extraordinaire.

近日,热门博主、文坛名人——韩寒于上海喜得千金,而更令我们惊讶的是,有消息称他已经结婚了。Blogger extraordinaire and literary lion, Han Han, has had a baby girl, in Shanghai. And we had no idea he was even married!

很难想象从健美选手到电影明星再到政治家的施瓦辛格曾经只是出生在奥地利格拉茨小镇的一个小男孩。It's hard to imagine that this muscleman-turned-actor-turned-politician extraordinaire was ever a little boy in tiny Graz , Austria.

我在一家很好的公司工作,是一名特别行政助理。我喜欢我所做的工作,也把它做得很好。并且我也很崇敬业主。I work for a wonderful company as an "administrative assistant extraordinaire. " I love what I do and do it well, and I adore the owners.

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把他叫做“徒步者”就好像把帕瓦罗蒂称之为低声歌手,或把迈克尔乔丹为一个仅仅是打棒球的人。To call him a "walker" would be like calling Luciano Pavoratti a crooner or Michael Jordan a mere ballplayer. Williamson is a walker extraordinaire.

能够参加今天这场比赛真的令人兴奋,而能够击败世界上最好的双打选手又是件多么不寻常的事,他们一直在一起合作,而我和瓦夫林卡仅仅一起参加过10次比赛。It was a big fun to play to today and extraordinaire to beat the best double players of the world. They play the whole time together and me and Wawrinka only about 10 times.

这位是我的朋友,长期共事的同事,音乐图书管理员,了不起的专业法国圆号手,伊娃·夕瑟,她将在此演奏,过来,站到中间来This is my friend, long-time colleague, music librarian extraordinaire and professional French horn player, Eva Heater, who will demonstrate here-- Come on over here right in the center.