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德国国会大厦的墙壁板。The slab of Reichstag wall.

这个建筑物无论如何,保留它的原始名字德国国会大厦。The building, however, retained its original name of Reichstag.

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半夜时,德国国旗将在德国国会大厦升起。At midnight , the German flag will be raised over the Reichstag.

德国国会大厦的名字由德国的议会此前它由纳粹分解。Reichstag was the name of Germany's parliament before it was disassembled by the Nazis.

国会大厦作为德国国会所在地是柏林最具历史意义的地标建筑之一。The Reichstag , the seat of the German Parliament, is one of Berlin's most historical landmarks.

2月27日,德意志帝国国会大厦被焚烧,政府基本权利被一个紧急法令所废除。On 27 February, the Reichstag was set on fire. Basic rights were abrogated under an emergency decree.

到了周一下午,还有大约40名示威者停留在国会大厦前的共和广场,有一小队警察看守着他们。On Monday afternoon about 40 protesters remained at Platz der Republik, the grassy square in front of the Reichstag.

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在国会大厦被捕的是一名24岁的荷兰男子,名叫范·德·鲁贝。The man who was discovered in the Reichstag building and arrested is stated to be a Dutchman named Van der Luebbe, aged 24.

他们距离联邦议会只有几分钟的路程,映衬了政府办公区的玻璃幕墙结构。They are just a few minutes away from the Reichstag and the striking glass and concrete structures of the government quarter.

财富实现了从储蓄人到债务人的重大转变,尽管后来国会通过了法律,将原有的金融合同与黄金价格挂钩。There was a great transfer of wealth from saver to debtor, though the Reichstag later passed a law linking old contracts to the gold price.

其实,同一批科研人员早在5年前的一项发现就曾经引起过轩然大波,当时他们在位于德国首都柏林的国会大厦洗手间内找到了少量的可卡因。The same researchers provoked outrage five years ago after discovering traces of cocaine in the toilets of the Reichstag parliamentary building in Berlin.

本文主要介绍了世界著名建筑师福斯特在德国帝国大厦改建工作中对玻璃穹顶的设计思考及在能源再生利用方面的独特设计。This paper describes design concept of world famous architects Foster and Partners on the glass dome in transformation of the Reichstag and recycling of energy.

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由于此次火灾造成的巨大损失,下周日选举结束后,新一届国会将无法在国会大厦举行会议。If the new Reichstag is summoned after next Sunday's elections it is unlikely to be able to meet in the Reichstag building owing to the extensive damage done by the fire.

大屠杀纪念碑群位于柏林市中心,与德国联邦议院和勃兰登堡门近在咫尺,这座纪念纳粹灭绝犹太人历史的最新且最具影响力的建筑物将铭记每一位被德国纳粹屠杀的犹太人。In the heart of Berlin, near the Reichstag and Brandenburg gate, Berlin's newest and most powerful reminder of the Final Solution will ensure that no Jews murdered by the Third Reich are forgotten.