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我们推测这应该有电子邮件。We speculate there may be neutronic mail here.

那么我们可以从这里推测出什么呢So what can we speculate is the meaning of that?

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阿拉姆拒绝推测袭击者动机。Alam refused to speculate on the attackers motives.

分布过散会减少你能用以投机的数量。More diversity reduces amount you can speculate with.

他不愿猜测谁是幕后主使者。Shah would not speculate on who may be behind the bombing.

他急急地炒股票,一点钱也没赚得。He had hurried to speculate on stocks, but had made no money.

军队官方称,目前推测凶手的行凶动机还为时过早。Army officials said it was too early to speculate on any motive.

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坎希拉说,她根本无法猜到捐赠者可能是谁。Cancilla says she is unable even to speculate who the donor could be.

无形产品被发明出来,让人去赌运气。Non-tangible products were invented for them to speculate and gamble.

关于它是否会给手机带来深刻的影响,我只能靠推测。I can only speculate whether it will make any impact on mobile phones.

当我想明白时,去推测结论部分就感觉到很轻松。While I suss that out, feel free to speculate in the comments section.

负利率时代,你不能不投机。In a negative real interest rate environment, you cannot NOT speculate.

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他们用他人的钱进行投机,拼了命地想要被愚弄。They speculate with other people's money and desperately want to be fooled.

因此,托尔埃勒西尔的智者能推断出奥克斯是从远古的精灵腐化而来的。The Wise of Tol Eressea thus speculate that Orcs are bred from ancient Elves.

在这则报道中,作者没有对差距的原因作出猜测。In the report, the authors do not speculate about what caused the disparities.

但他不确定布什会不会再送上一份大礼。He wouldn't speculate on whether the president is obligated to get another gift.

他们推测这可能表示易于情绪高涨或躁狂的体质。This might indicate a predisposition to elevated mood and mania, they speculate.

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最终,那些不买乐透、不炒股票、不做些发财梦的反而被视为不正常。If a guy doesn't buy lottery or doesn't speculate in stock, he is thought abnormal.

人们推测出来关于它的几个来源是相仿的,但对我来说,这样还不够。Sources speculate about it being imitative, but that doesn’t work very well for me.

科学家预测在常年背光的火山口处有刨冰存在。Scientists speculate there is water-ice in the planet's permanently shadowed craters