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优先购买权是民法上的一项重要权利。Preemption is an important right in civil law.

Evan修改了对于线程的支持,并且添加了一些优先级别。Evan fixed our Thread support and added some preemption.

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内核的抢占机制被它自己操作自旋锁的代码所控制。The kernel preemption case is handled by the spinlock code itself.

文章同时对法定优先购买权的适用范围进行了探讨。After that, some discussions are made on the scope of statutory Preemption.

可以锁定内核代码的关键部分,不允许抢占。Certain critical sections of the kernel code are locked against preemption.

同样地,在现在受到的威胁来看,先动权也会被认为是合法的。In a similar way, preemption can be justified by the nature of today's threats.

甚至单处理器系统也必须要这样禁用抢占机制以防止竞态条件的产生。Even uniprocessor systems must disable preemption in this way to avoid race conditions.

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在立法权力的划分上则适用先占原则和附属原则。The principle of preemption and subsidiarity are adopted in the division of legislation.

本赛季米兰俱乐部成员将被计入优先购买的总数中。This season the Milan Club members will be counted and added to the preemption phase total.

内核抢占补丁在2.5系列中就已经被打上,接下来在2.6中也会打。The kernel preemption patch has been merged into the 2.5 series and subsequently will make it into 2.6.

抢占将自动处理这种问题,不需要应用程序开发者作出任何特定干涉。Preemption handles this issue automatically, without any specific intervention by an application developer.

有限公司股东以股权出资的限制,主要涉及其他股东的同意权与优先购买权。Equity contribution restrictions of Ltd. mainly involve the consent and preemption right of other shareholders.

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租契并不受制于以任何第三方为受惠人的任何选择权或优先购买权利或优先权。The Leases are not subject to any options or rights of preemption or first refusal in favour of any third parties.

基于抢占阈值调度的任务响应时间分析方法是一种新型实时系统任务可调度性判定技术。The response time analysis method for scheduling tasks with preemption threshold is a novel schedulability technology.

一些情况可能是建立在判断错误的基础上,其他情况只是借口,即在预防的伪装下试图证明进攻的正当性。Some will be based on misjudgments, and others will simply be pretextual -justifying aggression under the guise of preemption.

企业间的竞争均衡可能会出现占先均衡和同时投资均衡。The competition equilibrium among the enterprises can result in preemption equilibrium and simultaneous investment equilibrium.

由于纤程比完全线程更轻量级,而且你无需担心抢占问题,因此他的方法很有优势。His approach has some advantages since Fibers are lighter-weight than full threads and you don't need to worry about preemption.

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提出了一种基于时间片的抢占控制模型,为每个任务分配一个可抢占次数的上限。A preemption control model based on time slice is therefore proposed to assign every task on upper limit of preemptable frequency.

最后,通过引入一个抢占策略对于路由过程的反馈机制,减少抢占引起的重路由,增强网络稳定性。Finally, import a feedback from preemption to routing to reduce the rerouting caused by preemption and to increase network stability.

他们首先就优先法律适用问题赢得了简易判决,但在星期四,州上诉法院撤销了该判决。They initially won a motion for summary judgment on the preemption grounds, but Thursday, a state appellate court reversed the ruling.