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本赛季他参加了6场青年队比赛。He has played 6 games with the Primavera this season.

十九世纪末代表了西西里岛最繁华的时期。The end of the 19th century represented the Primavera Siciliana.

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普里马韦拉也建议说,你可以在团体内找一个良师益友。Likewise, seek out a mentor within the organization, suggests Ms. Primavera.

加埃塔在预备队季后赛进球时我跳起来像个疯子,我为红黑的色彩疯狂。I jump like a crazy for a goal of Gaeta in the Primavera , I'm crazy for these colours.

阿莱格里有27名球员调配,加上一些待命的预备队队员。Allegri has 27 players at his disposal, plus some Primavera players that will be in standby.

年仅18岁的桑塔雷利拉素这里培养的未来1号门将,现在他的合同只剩下一年。The 18 year-old is Lazio's primavera No1 and has just over a year left on his existing contract.

也会有青训球员一起训练,学习球队的精神。There are the Primavera youngsters who arrive here and acquire the mentality of a fantastic team.

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尤文青年队不久前刚刚夺得维亚雷吉奥杯冠军,而达乌德在这项赛事中一鸣惊人。Daud was the revelation of the Viareggio youth tournament, which was won by Juve's Primavera side.

收藏中一些著名的作品包括有波提切利的「春」和「维也纳的诞生」。Some of the most famous works in the collection include Botticelli's Primavera and Birth of Venus.

收藏中一部份著名的作品包括有波提切利的「春」和「维也纳的诞生」。Some of the maximum famous works in the collection include Botticelli's Primavera and Birth of Venus.

上赛季他从维斯佩萨罗队加盟国际米兰的青训系统,效力于夺得联赛冠军的19岁以下球队。He joined Inter's academy from Vis Pesaro last season and played for the Scudetto-winning Primavera team.

本赛季,他参加了所有7场青年队的比赛,他们目前排在第一位。This season he played all 7 Primavera youth side games and they currently stand in first place in the table.

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⊙、三寸粉笔三尺讲台育花苗,一颗丹心一生秉烛献春华。Three inches of chalk flower seedlings, three feet platform of primavera offered a candlelight educational life.

在扎卡罗尼的指挥下,球队摆出了一线队和青年队混合的阵容。Under the orders of Alberto Zaccheroni, the teamfielded was a mix of players from the first team and the Primavera.

他们开玩笑问我是否还会因为伤病反复折腾,而打进第三个进球证明我终于复出了。After the third goal that I made with the Primavera , they jokingly asked me if I intended to continue being so cruel.

我跟他的私交很好,他一直打电话给我了解我的所有情况。I have a great relationship with him, even after the Primavera game he called me wanting to know everything about my condition.

内德维德还没有完成他的教练证书,但是青年队教练卢西亚诺布鲁尼,将会和他一起工作。Nedved has yet to complete his coaching badges but Luciano Bruni, the Primavera Coach, would be promoted to work along side him.

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拉齐奥准备提供给这个16岁的塞内加尔球员一份青年合同。The 16 year-old Senegalese was a stand-out for Decamberene this month and Lazio are considering offering him a Primavera contract.

在意大利,青年队和一线队有显著的区别,而在其他国家,年轻球员能更快地成长和进步。There is a major difference in quality between Primavera and professional football in Italy, in other countries players grow up quicker.

新巴里体育主管佩里内蒂已经谈成一份为期12个月的租借合同,和一个优先签约的附加协议。New Bari sports chief Giorgio Perinetti has negotiated a 12-month stay for the Primavera starlet with the option of a permanent deal next summer.