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这就是此理论的一个优势。It is an advantage.

积累一生的朋友客户,这才是你的优点。This is your advantage.

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把它叫做自闭优势。Call it the autie advantage.

因为你骗走了我的心。Cause u took advantage of me.

最新的烹调油烟的优势?What's the advantage of COF ?

发挥自己的长处。Take advantage of your fortes.

左手持剑仍佔有一定优势。Advantage fall on left-handers.

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他的优势后来成了他的不利条件。His advantage turned against him.

相比魏先生,朱旭亮还有些“优势”。Mr. Zhu has an advantage over Mr.

他们可以在有利的时候卖出They can sell it at an advantage.

通用性强是其主要优势。Versatility is its main advantage.

电子书阅读器在价格上有优势。E-readers do have a cost advantage.

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这就消除了DPP的避税优势So it eliminated the tax advantage.

这就是多样性的优势。That is the advantage of diversity.

这是你们的比较优势。This is your comparative advantage.

努力工作对你会有益。It would advantage you to work hard.

我能利用这些么?当然。Could I take advantage of that? Sure.

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这曾给阿根廷队优势吗?Did that give Argentina an advantage?

他利用了她脾气好这个特点。He took advantage of her good nature.

在此我比海森堡更有优势。I had this advantage over Heisenberg.