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发展下层林地植被的层次。Develop vegetative layers of woodland understory.

他被连上了呼吸机,现在就是个植物人了。He's on a respirator and is in a vegetative state.

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“这种方式适用于所有的植物人患者”,他补充道。"This method could reach all vegetative patients", he added.

好望角毛毡苔很容易以种子或其他方法繁殖。The Cape sundew is easily propagated by seed or vegetative means.

小孢子第一次有丝分裂形成生殖和营养细胞。The first microspore mitosis forms generative and vegetative cells.

但是,一个没有清醒过来且处于植物人状态的的病人会怎样呢?But what about patients who are not awake and in a vegetative state?

他说最理想情况就是在生命保障系统的辅助下维持植物人状态。He said at best she would remain in a vegetative state on life support.

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用组织培养方法进行无性繁殖的JXB-1后代全部表现为雄性不育。Vegetative propagations of tissue culture for JXB-1 was all male sterile.

合子胚作为外植体明显好于营养器官作为外植体。Zygotic embryo is better than vegetative materials when used for explants.

抑制营养生长,促进生殖生长。RDI was able to control vegetative growth, and promote reproductive growth.

这就是D阶段,可以叫做,持续植物人状态。There we are in Phase D,in something like, perhaps,persistent vegetative state.

外源赤霉素能影响某些竹种的有性更新过程。Vegetative rejuvenation of some bamboo species can be effected by exogenous GA3.

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在大部分生长季节,这种茎的顶芽继续着植物的生长。The terminal bud continues vegetative activity during most of the growing season.

它反映了营养小枝的伸长同花的发育在时间上的矛盾。It reflects the timing of vegetative shoot extension vis-a-vis flower development.

在营养器官中,含棱晶的细胞主要分布在维管组织之中或外围。In the vegetative organs, prismatic crystals mainly distributed in vascular tissue.

只有卵菌纲通常有二倍体的营养状态。Of the six fungal classes only the oomycetes usually have a diploid vegetative state.

鳄梨呈现典型的叶色褪绿及营养生长减弱。The avocado shows a typical loss of green color and a reduction in vegetative growth.

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然而,现代医学造就了第三种情况,那便是植物人。Modern medicine, however, has created a third option, the persistent vegetative state.

提高植物扦插繁殖是一种最常见的方法,无性繁殖。Raising plants from cuttings is one of the most common methods of vegetative propagation.

游仆虫休眠包囊和营养细胞的选择性表达的线粒体基因也是如此。So do the resting cyst and the vegetative cell macronucleus genes in Euplotes encysticus.