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国际刑事法庭必须决定是否起诉这些嫌犯。The ICC must decide whether to indict the suspects.

卡兹先生没有用这些方法,他将整个ICC设计成风力减速器。Instead, Mr. Katz designed the entire ICC to provide wind buffers.

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诚如你所知,因私贿赂是国际商会长期以来关注的话题。As you know, private sector bribery has long been an issue of concern for ICC.

国际刑事法院没有强制规定,而是依靠国家间的合作来执行逮捕。The ICC has no police force and relies on state co-operation to enforce arrests.

高洪注表示,国际刑事法院是新近在2002年才成立的,尚未完成审理任何案件。Koh said the ICC was founded only recently, in 2002, and has not completed any cases yet.

迄今为止,被国际刑事法院通缉的两名苏丹公民没有一个在苏丹被起诉。So far neither of the two Sudanese citizens wanted by the ICC have been charged in Sudan.

国际刑事法院还同意在2017年对侵害的起诉方式进行审议。The ICC also agreed to conduct a review of its approach to prosecuting aggression in 2017.

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ICC率先使用了新的、高强度的混凝土,建设高度可以超过1640英尺。The ICC utilized new, high-strength concrete that can be pumped upwards more than 1,640 feet.

国际商会把“全球经济中的亚洲”作为这次会议的主题,具有重要的现实意义。It is significant for the ICC to have "Asia in the World Economy" as the theme of this congress.

他表示,“因为有关国际刑事法庭的分歧,我们无法专注于追求共同目标。" Divisiveness over the ICC distracts from our ability to pursue these common goals, " he has said.

拉普说,美国希望为改善国际刑事法院的工作效率而继续努力。Rapp said the United States hopes to continue its work toward improving the effectiveness of the ICC.

国际刑事法庭已与塞尔加瓦医生接洽,请她协助说服受害者出庭作证。但这项任务并不容易。The ICC had approached Dr Sergewa to help convince victims to testify but the task is not plain sailing.

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如果印刷机并不稳定,那么你在对该台印刷机制作ICC特性文件时就会得到不同的ICC。If a press is not stable, then you will have different ICCs when you going to make an ICC for this press.

总体来说,高职高专院校的非英语专业学生的跨文化交际能力仍处在较低水平。Overall, the ICC of Chinese non-English majors in vocational colleges has remained at a rather low level.

一家银行与其服务提供者之间的契约性协议超出了国际商会评论的范围。The contractual arrangement between a bank and their service provider is outside the scope of the ICC to comment.

ICC之间,ICC与神经细胞、平滑肌细胞均存在“似缝隙连接”为本组标本中主要连接形式。ICC nerve cells and smooth muscle cells were connected with gap-like junction, which was the main connection mode.

萨尔曼的律师哈里德·兰贾,前司法部长,说国际板球协会没有证据对他的当事人禁赛。Salman's lawyer Khalid Ranjha, a former law minister, said the ICC did not have the evidence to suspend his client.

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这些不仅是与现存的法学有关,而且是对未来的ICC也有说服力的权威著作。These are relevant not only to the extant jurisprudence, but also as persuasive authority for the ICC in the future.

“ICC是一个无缝对接的好范例,”保尔·卡兹说,他是ICC和其他很多超高建筑的建筑师。"The ICC is a wonderful example of linkage," says Paul Katz, architect of the ICC and many other supertall structures.

安理会有权暂停ICC的审判活动一年,逐渐形成一种给和平一个机会的基础。The Security Council has the right to suspend ICC action for a year at a time on a rolling basis to give peace a chance.