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事实上,美国从来就没有从孤立主义中得到任何好处。Indeed, America has never succeeded through isolationism.

精神上偏激引起了过多承担义务和孤立主义。Moral exuberance had inspired both overinvolvement and isolationism.

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他们的参战使他们破釜沉舟永远弃绝孤立主义。Their entry into the war made them cross the Rubicon and abandon isolationism forever.

经济孤立主义的声音并不代表美国人民的利益。Voices of economic isolationism do not represent the interests of the American people.

是向回收缩开始新政治军事孤立时代的时候了。Time to withdraw into ourselves and start a new era of political and military isolationism.

然而要走上这条道路,日本必须超越孤立主义和美国安全同盟进行思考。To pursue this path, however, Japan must think beyond isolationism and the US security alliance.

我们有理由相信,郑和知道反对闭关锁国是必然要失败的。There's reason to conclude that Zheng knew the struggle against isolationism had already been lost.

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来往的电文,只要其中任何一部分稍有泄露,国内所有的孤立主义势力就一定对总统群起而攻之。All the forces of isolationism would have been aroused if any part of these interchanges had transpired.

更糟糕的是,从伊拉克战争抽身而退,转而采取孤立主义,并从开放转向保护主义。Still worse would be a retreat from the war in Iraq into isolationism and from openness into protectionism.

大萧条和第二次世界大战给美国人的教训是,孤立主义就是自我毁灭。The lesson of the Great Depression and World War II for Americans was that isolationism was self-defeating.

他提醒说把美军的撤出看作是孤立主义是一种误解。He warned that it would be a misinterpretation if anyone saw the US withdrawal as a move towards isolationism.

主要包括在华商业和传教利益集团的形成及影响、国内建设、孤立主义传统的强大和军事力量的薄弱。It mainly includes the cliques of trade and mission to China, domestic construction, isolationism and weak forces.

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但是我们必须拒绝孤立主义及作为其同伴的保护主义。But we must reject isolationism and its companion, protectionism. Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger.

美国有五分之一的工作岗位依赖于贸易,我将坚决反对民主党的孤立主义计划,因为这会威胁到这些工作岗位。One in five jobs in the U.S. depends on trade and I will fight the threat to those jobs from Democrat plans for isolationism.

跨越国境的民众网络及组织是抵制孤立主义和民族主义的强大诱因。Cross-national networks of people and organizations have a strong incentive to resist the chills of isolationism or nationalism.

这种重建将会在所有人类中创造更大的平等,从而带来走出孤立主义而走向社区的运动。The restructuring will create greater equality amongst all humans causing the movement out of isolationism and towards community.

孤立主义在英美两国的外交史上占有重要地位,并对当今两国的外交仍产生一定的影响。Isolationism has an important position in the diplomacy history of both Britain and America, and still exerts some influence on the two nations.

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孤立主义意味着无法理解经济和其他民族国家的文化,却笨手笨脚的干预外国内政,把一些很小的矛盾演变成重大的灾难。Isolationism is not understanding economics, or other cultures, but clumsily intervening anyway and creating major disasters out of minor problems.

在美国政治中,也能看到同样危险的冲动情感,但我们不能用孤立主义或关闭边境来应对全球化的挑战。The same dangerous impulses are visible, too, in American politics, but the challenges of globalization cannot be met by isolationism or shutting borders.

中国的帝国主义和世界大同主义继续膨胀,并成为只是有着较短时期相对孤立主义的文化的永恒面。Chinese internationalism and cosmopolitanism grew constantly and were a permanent facet of the culture, with only short intervals of relative isolationism.