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阜康阿魏种子质量分级标准初步研究。Study on standard of Ferula fukanensis K.

新疆阿魏属及其相近属间的分类学研究。The taxonomic studies on Xinjiang Ferula and its close genera.

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蕴含亚麻仁、七叶树精华、大茴香水、金缕梅精华等。Contains linseed , aesculin , ferula extract , hamamelis essence &so on , mild property.

目的对大果阿魏树脂和基生叶成分进行研究。Objective To study the compositions of resin and basilar leaves of Ferula lehmanni Boiss.

阿魏属和独活属都是伞形科中具有重要药用价值的植物。The genera of Ferula and Heracleum both are very important pharmaceutical plant of Umbelliferae.

方法采用气相色谱和GC-MS联用方法分析了大果阿魏树脂、基生叶挥发油中的化学成分。Methods Chemical constituents of volatile oil in the Ferula lehmanni Boiss were analyzed by GC-MS.

本文以胃肠作用为指标,比较新疆三种阿魏的药理作用,探讨乌恰阿魏、多伞阿魏代替新疆阿魏应用的可能性。Authors studied and compared with the pharmacologic effect of three species of Ferula on the gastroenteric tract of rats.

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此外,本文还综述了阿魏属和驼蹄瓣属植物的化学和药理学研究进展。This thesis also reviewed advances of the chemical and pharmacological studies of the genus Ferula and the genus Zygophyllum.

目的分析比较大果阿魏根和叶中氨基酸、微量元素和重金属含量。Results There were 17 species amino acids and Fe, Mn, Zn, K, Na, Ca, Cu microelements in roots and leaves Ferula lehmanni Boiss.

药用植物野生阿魏是新疆特有的国家级濒危野生保护植物物种,为伞形科多年生、一次结果的草本植物。Ferula is Umbelliferae and perennial plant species of endemic of Xinjiang as well as rare grow wild in our country. It's fruit is only one in its life.

旨在为从事白灵菇栽培的工厂化企业及农户提高栽培技术提供理论指导。These could provide theoretical guidance to promote cultivation technology for those industrial enterprises and farmers engaging in the P. ferula production.