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活贤社区中心。Woodgreen Community Centre of Tor.

你们有任何晕机药品吗?Do you have any medicine tor airsickness?

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抽烟是导致癌症的一个主要因素。Cigarette smoking is a major fac tor contributing to cancer.

监督工作质量并及时向工程师反馈异常。Moni tor work quality and feedback abnormality to WT engineer.

在单人游戏模式中附魔或升级一件装备。Enchant tor upgrade a piece of equipment in single-player mode.

Tor网络使用世界上大约1000个志愿服务器。Tor network uses around 1000 volunteer servers around the world.

Tor网络使用世界上大约1000个志愿服务器。A Tor network uses around 1000 volunteer servers around the world.

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振动觉缺失或减弱是神经病变的第一体征。Absent tor reduced vibration sense is the first sign of neuropathy.

监视器会告诉为得到你要增加的驱动程序你该做什么。Your moni tor tells you what to do to get the driver you want to add.

总调查员巴罗夫斯基将于星期四在国会作证。Inspec tor General Barofsky is to testify before Congress on Thursday.

在脊髓型颈椎病的阻尼修正系数是固定的,以订明的价值。In the CSM, the damping modification fac tor is fixed to a prescribed value.

他们打赌说两个进球不错了,但是在大球队拿到两个进球已经不错了。They say it evens itself out but it evens itself out more tor the big teams.

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你好,吴先生,让我介绍你认识刘先生,他是我们新的行政总监。Hello, Dr. Wu, let me introduce you to Mr. Liu, he is our new Managing Direc tor.

用气相色谱法测定眼药水中琥珀酸钠的含量。A gas chromatographic technique tor the analisys of sodium succinate has been studied.

用一个冷阴极离子枪产生的氧离子轰击淀积过程中的薄膜表面。Oxygen ions from a cold cathode ion-gun have been used tor bombarding the growing thin films.

它既适用于水玻璃型壳的脱蜡,也适用于电泳型壳的脱蜡。It is suitable tor the dewaxing of water glass shell moulds and shell moulds by electrophoresis.

调查显示,对莫些人来说,退休往往会造成心理上的疾病。Investigation has revealed that retirement tends to cause psychological troubles tor some people.

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逐日者王朝的最后子嗣凯尔萨斯·逐日者是奎尔萨拉斯的王子,达拉然肯瑞托的高级成员。Kael'thas Sunstrider was the Prince of Quel'Thalas and a senior member of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran.

这个最新版Tor采用了工具链包装器脚本,无需访问根目录就可以运行Tor。The most recent Tor release uses toolchain wrapper scripts to run Tor without requiring root access.

国际奥林匹克委员会星云里含有大量的电离气体。The ioc abbreviation tor international olympic committee nebulae contain very large amounts of ionized gas.