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所有在延髓是欺诈。All in DVC is fraud.

我识破了那个骗局。I saw through the fraud.

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这次选举是一场骗局。The election is a fraud.

这生发剂是骗人的玩意。This hair-restorer is a fraud.

最后构成了一个大骗局。Constituted a big fraud finally.

然而诈骗和伪造是违法的。But fraud and forgery are illegal.

建造它的人肯定是个骗子。Whoever framed it must be a fraud.

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所谓的特效药原来是骗人的东西。The so-called specific was a fraud.

欺骗者们总是在放慢诉讼程序的速度。Fraud always slows the process down.

就这样怎么可能在网络上诈骗呢?How can he do fraud on the Internet?

实际上等于是个骗局。That practically amounts to a fraud.

科士威犯了电话诈骗和邮件诈骗。Amway commits wire fraud and mail fraud.

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谁导演了美国公司造假丑剧?。Who directed the US company fraud farce?

我们也创造了防风险和防诈骗功能。We're building a risk and fraud function.

当局需要措施防止偷税漏税。The authorities need to prevent tax fraud.

现在,该商人以诈骗罪被起诉。The businessman now faces charges of fraud.

他徇私舞弊,是个贪官。Investigation of fraud was their commission.

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法官判定那个生意人诈欺。The judge convicted the businessman of fraud.

打假斗士方舟子被袭只获2600元赔偿。Attacked fraud busters awarded only 2600 yuan.

他在大陪审团前被指控犯欺诈罪。He was indicted for fraud before a grand jury.