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他是地方一霸。He is a local despot.

谁来为本地新闻支付费用?Who pays for local news?

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市内电话是免费的。Thee local phone is free.

我和她约在当地的一家酒吧碰面。I meet her at a local pub.

他会说当地方言。He speaks the local patois.

右键单击该本地任务。Right-click the local task.

这支地方队倍受人喜爱。The local team was favored.

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最好是招远本地的。Zhaoyuan is the best local.

泰国当地高纯度的石英矿。High purity local Quartz, 3.

打市内电话需不需要另外加钱?I want to make a local call.

了解当地自行车法规!Know your local biking laws!

一个当地人和狗玩。Local gets frisky with Fido.

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要尊重当地居民。Respect the local residents.

张家港本地人优先考虑。Local people is top-priority.

在当地报纸做广告。Advertise in your local paper.

这里的地方菜是什么?。What is the local dishes here?

第二,许多嫉妒只是局部范围的。Second, a lot of envy is local.

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这使得它成为了一个局部变量。This makes it a local variable.

当地的恶汉和我交了朋友。A local tough guy befriended me.

编辑您的网站的本地副本。Editing of your site local copy.