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连阿拉莫也不像往常那样气定神闲。Even Álamo wasn't his usual calm self.

嘿,现在的情况,就是他们说的阿拉莫吧。Hey, now, that's what they said at The Alamo.

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是的,而且我是三哩白杨岛的东方。Yeah, and I'm three miles east of Alamo Island.

你可以去阿拉莫广场看看彩妆女郎建筑。You can go to Alamo Square to see the Painted Ladies.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费的阿拉莫充分流?Where can I watch The Alamo movie online free full stream?

艾勒摩防御战是勇者的英雄行为。The defence of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men.

德克萨斯的军队撤到了一座古老的西班牙大教堂,这座大教堂叫阿拉莫。The Texas forces withdrew to an old Spanish mission church called the Alamo.

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阿拉莫市有11所主要大学,在校生超过十万。The Alamo city has 11 major universities with over 100,000 students enrolled.

例如……”我打算给他举一两个例子,阿拉莫跳起来打断我的话。And I was about to give him an example or two when Álamo jumped up and cut me off.

他谦虚、坦诚、热情,就像草原上的白杨,朴实无华。His modesty, frankness, enthusiasm are like the unpretentious alamo on grasslands.

休斯敦没想到的阿拉莫可对一个强大的墨西哥攻击辩护。Houston did not think the Alamo could be defended against a strong Mexican attack.

墨西哥军队的大炮开始响起。阿拉摩的守军则奋勇抵抗。The big guns of the Mexicans began to sound. The defenders of the Alamo fought bravely.

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该场所属于传教士托尼。阿勒牟所有,但他否认与此案有关。The compound belongs to evangelist Tony Alamo . He's denying any involvement with pornography.

对于你到奥兰多的旅行,美国航空公司、国家航空公司以及阿拉莫航空公司会给你折扣。For your travel to Orlando, discounts have been set up with American Airlines, National, and Alamo.

我不能说阿拉莫是个称职的评论家,尽管他口口声声谈的全是文学评论。And I can't say that Álamo was much of a critic either, even though he talked a lot about criticism.

得克萨斯人和墨西哥人双方决意在阿拉莫展开厮杀在军事层面上饱受非议。Both the Texan and the Mexican decisions to fight at the Alamo have been criticized on military grounds.

墨西哥军队,由总统圣安娜亲自领导,攻击约一百八十德州的阿拉莫。Mexican army, led by President Santa Anna himself, was attacking about one-hundred-eighty Texans at the Alamo.

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在阿拉摩战役中,不满二百人的守军在十二天内击退了几千墨西哥人一次又一次的进攻。In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defend ers repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.

阿拉莫不仅仅是一座建筑,它还是得克萨斯州争取独立而进行的首场战斗的地址和标志。The Alamo is more than a just a building--it was the site and symbol of the first battle for Texan independence.

美国人把阿拉摩之役当做一件英雄事迹,可是德州战争实际上是老美入侵者抢夺土地的战争。Americans remember the Alamo as a heroic episode, though the war for Texas was a land grab by gringo interlopers.