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现在就停止这个再来有何不可?Why not stop the encore now?

我们要求他们演奏安可曲。We asked them to play an encore.

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第一个安可曲是一段快板波尔卡。The first encore is a fast polka.

第二个读线程经历同样的过程。The second reader thread did an encore.

再无需加演,因为有余辉。No more encore except for the afterglow.

佳敏在医院值班,遇到安可。Jia min on duty in the hospital, meet encore.

洳果仩天岢苡给莪①嗰机会洅来①佽啲话。If the God can give if I an opportunity encore.

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今天也是他们出道2周年的日子,2周年快乐。Today is the D-Day for 2PM, the encore concert day.

你要照这样表演下去,永远不会有观众要你加演!You'll never get an encore if you perform like that!

有些话并不能说,却能够不断安可。Some words can not say, but can be continuously encore.

按照加演的传统做法,我们走到后台后又再次返场。We go offstage and come back for the convention of the encore.

所以我们今天为候补的65个人安排了一场额外培训。So, we scheduled an encore today for 65 people on the waiting list.

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为了答谢热情的掌声,那个歌唱家又唱了一曲。In appreciation of the enthusiastic applause, the vocalist sang an encore.

为了答谢热心的掌声,那个歌唱家又唱了一曲。In thankfulness of the enthusiastic requestlause the vocingist sang an encore.

由安可科技出版,9.7英寸平板电脑的经验,我们将今天被命名为M97。Published by Encore Technology, the 9.7-inch tablet we'll experience today is named M97.

该表演非常精彩,鼓掌声一直到加演才平息下来。The performance was so good that the applause didn't die down until there was an encore.

一个长达一小时的主要剧目演出,和后街男孩30分钟的表演,没有一首附加的歌曲。A headline act that went on an hour late and then performed for just 30 minutes, with no encore.

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演奏流行的音乐,或者著名作曲家的作品作为安可曲,也是常有的。It is also common to play a popular music song or the most famous pieces of a composer in the encore.

喝采技术是谁首先发表飞思卡尔A8在中国与片芯制造商之一。Encore Technology is one of the manufacturers who first published tablets with Freescale A8 core in China.

提供全天舒适感和优美音质的第一流型号。Plantronics Encore H91N is a top-of-the-line model that offers all-day comfort and superior sound quality.