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安慰剂组服法同治疗组。The placebo group is the same.

第三群人吃的则是安慰剂。And a third group received a placebo.

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但是心理安慰的成分更大些。But more likely it's placebo poppycock.

参与MBCT的患者没有服用安慰剂。There was no placebo for MBCT patients.

这就是众所周知的安慰剂效应。This is what is known as the placebo effect.

而另一组仅仅减掉2磅。The placebo group only lost an average of 2 lbs.

甚至法力最强的安慰剂效应也是有极限的。There are limits to even the strongest placebo effect.

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其余的则在这八周期间服用安慰剂。The rest received a placebo during the eight-week period.

安慰剂效应掩盖了抗抑郁剂的实效吗?Does Placebo Effect Mask True Efficacy of Antidepressants?

考来维仑与安慰剂均耐受良好。Both colesevelam and placebo were generally well tolerated.

服用莫达非尼的小组比用安慰剂的小组有了更好的改善。The armodafinil group improved more than the placebo group.

这些儿童被随机予依那西普或安慰剂组。The children were randomized to either etanercept or placebo.

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21位患者在标准疗法的基础上服用了安慰剂。Twenty-one patients received a placebo plus standard treatment.

方法采用前瞻性随机双盲、安慰剂对照研究。Methods We adopt a double-blind, the placebo comparison research.

萨瓦尔德博士称母乳其实也起了安慰剂的效果。Savard said the placebo effect in this case, though, is very real.

他们收到每天服用一次的组合的片剂或安慰剂。They received either a once-daily combination tablet or a placebo.

剩下的一半志愿者则每天服用一颗“假的”没有有效成分的安慰剂。The rest received a "dummy" placebo pill with no active ingredients.

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但百分之十五的那些服用安慰剂,阿斯匹林。But fifteen percent of those taking the placebo and aspirin had them.

一半的参与者喝无菌奶昔作为安慰剂。Half of the participants drank a sterile milkshake as a placebo instead.

两组服用维生素D和鱼油补剂的一种和一片安慰剂。Two will take either a vitamin D or a fish-oil supplement and a placebo.