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“可是我在乎,”她的表弟说,颤栗着。But I do,' said her cousin, shuddering.

现在邻居们一提这事都还忍不住发抖呢。Neighbors are still shuddering at this.

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现在它们停止了颤抖,说出第一句话。stop shuddering and speak their first word.

她战栗着呼出最后一口气——然后不省人事,一动不动。She exhales a last shuddering breath -- and goes STILL.

“不要说了,奶奶”女孩颤抖的说到"Don't talk so, grandmother!" said the girl, shuddering.

忽然剧烈地抖动起来,似乎要慢慢地变大Shuddering itself full of heat, seeming to enlarge slowly

肯恩使而且下马聚集了他的兄弟战栗他的手臂身体。Ken dismounted and gathered his brother's shuddering body in his arms.

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它对着杰克眨眼,呼吸着那有毒的空气。It stares blankly at him, taking in shuddering breaths of the poisonous air.

一阵寒风吹来,他的肩膀下意识的抖了抖。A rupture of bise is thumped, shuddering of his shoulder subconscious trembles.

当她觉察到有人站在背后时,她吓得浑身一打战。She gave a shuddering start as she became aware of someone standing behind her.

他瞧瞧自己白而修长的手指,不由自主地微微打了个寒噤。He glanced at his own white taper fingers, shuddering slightly in spite of himself.

一想到以高调的方式编写代码来解决这个问题的主意,我简直就会不寒而栗。I am shuddering at the idea of how this might be handled if you wrote it obtrusively.

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经过四分之一个世纪非凡的经济增长,拉斯维加斯已进入了一个可怕的经济停顿。After a quarter of a century of phenomenal growth, Las Vegas has come to a shuddering halt.

围裙裹着我们的头,身体在羊毛衫里战栗,我不确定我想再走更远。With sarongs wrapped around our heads, shuddering in our sweaters, I'm not sure I want to go any further.

昨天东兰辛的温度一下子降了好多,我在风中简直是冷得发抖了。The temperature in East Lansing suddenly dropped a lot yesterday. I was literally shuddering in the winds.

“圣者,我梦见母牛从各自同一天产下的牛犊身上吮奶。”国王说着,害怕得发抖。"Your reverence, I saw cows sucking milk from their own calves, born the same day, " said the king, shuddering with fear.

刚开始他有点发抖,不过想到自己是躲在高处,藏在树叶后面,他就比较有安全感。At first he was shuddering a little bit, but he was very high and hiding behind the foliage, so he felt a little bit safe.

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但哨兵的船颤抖着向上绕了个圈,又一头扎回如死亡之幕覆盖着泰洛的大气层里面。But then the Sentinels ' ship did a shuddering wing-over, and plunged back toward the low-hanging pall of Tirol's atmosphere.

1769年,胆小的诗人汤姆斯•格雷,第一次站在湖区的深山里,满心愉悦,震憾于这“可怕庞大的高山”。In 1769 the first of the timorous poets, Thomas Gray, was on the scene shuddering pleasurably at the mountains' "dreadful bulk".

她记起来黑龙在她身下扭动着,在她不顾一切想要靠在他长鳞的背上所产生的撞击下而颤栗。She remembered the dragon twisting beneath her, shuddering at the impacts, as she tried desperately to cling to his scaled back.