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你能给我们讲讲哈莱姆这个地区吗?Could you tell us about Harlem?

这是一个冬天,我是在黑人住宅区。It was winter, and I was in Harlem.

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你能给我们讲讲哈莱姆区吗?Can you tell us about the Harlem area?

你觉得哈莱姆危险吗?Do you think it's dangerous in Harlem?

你能跟我们讲讲哈莱姆有名的地方吗?Can you tell us about famous places in Harlem?

哈莱姆文化的根基是黑人历史。The root and culture of Harlem is black history.

孩子在玩的飞跃青蛙在哈勒姆街,长约。Children playing leap frog in a Harlem street, ca.

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在哈莱姆的剧院里,我们能看到什么类型的表演呢?What kind of performance can we see at the theater in Harlem?

“当鲍威尔是时候去,哈林决定,”夏普顿说。"When it was time for Powell to go, Harlem decided, " Sharpton said.

他们住在布鲁克林,然后转移到布朗克斯区,并最终哈林。They lived in Brooklyn then moved to the Bronx and eventually Harlem.

管理挪威政府的是52岁的医生高罗·哈莱娅·布特兰。Running Norway's government is Gro Harlem Brundtland, a 52year-old doctor.

所有的黑人明星。哈莱姆就是黑人的根据地。all of great black entertainers and others after. This is the roots, Harlem.

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这个是哈林篮球俱乐部,而张伯伦的加入,给了他们新的生命。It was a renown Harlem spot, and with Wilt's involvement, he gave it new life.

佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿是“哈莱姆文艺复兴”时期升起的一颗明星。Zora Neal Hurston is considered among the foremost writers of the Harlem Renaissance.

因为在纽约曼哈顿的哈莱姆,这里是一个非常有历史意义的地方。Because right here is also being such a historic place, Harlem in Manhattan, New York,

然后,你还会看到莱诺克斯大道和马尔科姆X大道的历史,它们都是哈莱姆的一部分。Then you have history of Lenox Avenue, Malcolm X Boulevard, which is a part of Harlem.

危地马拉的农民或哈勒姆的失业者却显然没有办法这样做。The peasants of Guatemala or the unemployed in Harlem are in no position to do so, obviously.

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自从克林顿总统搬来这里,他和他的办公室都在这里,哈莱姆变了很多。You know, since Clinton had moved, he was here, he had his office here, Harlem changed a lot.

从格林威治村延伸到哈莱姆的一路上,大道发生了许许多多的变化。And along the way it changes many, many times as it goes from Greenwich Village up into Harlem.

或许红公鸡有助于展示哈林,但并不完全是为了游客的消费。Red Rooster may help put Harlem on display but not exclusively for the consumption of tourists.