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滥伐造成冲蚀。Deforestation causes erosion.

新婚夫妇回头时钟毁林Newlyweds turn back clock on deforestation

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必须要阻止在这儿滥砍滥伐的人。The deforestation has to be stopped there.

森林的砍伐也形成了Kuznets曲线。Deforestation follows a Kuznets curve, too.

但是,靠花钱买树来制止破坏森林是可行之道吗?But is buying trees to stop deforestation the answer?

木筷加重了滥砍滥伐的灾难。Chopsticks add to a plague of regional deforestation.

我不确信他是否因为乱砍树木而受到控告。I am not sure whether he is accused of deforestation.

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甚至有可能达成停止采伐森林的协议。There might even be an agreement to stop deforestation.

人们应该采取措施与乱砍乱伐作斗争。People should take measures to combat the deforestation.

可持续的林业管理和避免乱砍滥伐的活动。Sustainable forest management and avoided deforestation.

罗德尼希茨无法停止对森林采伐的思考。Rodney Sheets couldn’t stop thinking about deforestation.

如何严格管束滥砍滥伐有各种各样的想法。There are various ideas about how to rein in deforestation.

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亚马逊采伐森林对干季降水的影响。The impact of amazonian deforestation on dry season rainfall.

该研究提供了一项全面的森林减少问题的视觉。The study provides a holistic iew of the deforestation issue.

这个国家滥伐森林,造成生态失调。The deforestation of this country caused ecological imbalance.

这是亚马逊雨林史上最低的砍伐量。This is the smallest deforestation in the history of the Amazon.

呼吁大家要多植树,节约用纸,不要滥砍滥伐。Called on everyone to plant trees, save paper, not deforestation.

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通过植树造林和避免乱砍滥伐减少碳排放。Carbon reduction through reforestation and avoided deforestation.

滥伐森林导致每年整个土壤层都流失到海里去了。Deforestation erodes whole layers of soil into the ocean every year.

因为人们取之无度,用之无节的滥伐树木。Because people take the excessive use of non-section of deforestation.