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目前,保温材料用的聚苯板。At present, thermal insulation material used is polystyrene board.

一名妇女骑着一辆载满塑料泡沫箱的三轮车。A woman rides a tricycle loaded up with many polystyrene foam boxes.

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设计取代了一包用预先成型的聚苯乙烯生设备。The design replaces a pack that used pre-moulded polystyrene fitments.

哈比顿的桥是新西兰军队用聚苯乙烯造的。The bridge in Hobbiton was built by the New Zealand army out of polystyrene.

废品收购站里一工人在买聚苯乙烯。A worker pays for a delivery of polystyrene at a recycling center in Beijing.

转子是用两个跨度为0.3微米的聚苯乙烯玻璃珠子连接而成。The rotor is formed from two linked polystyrene beads each 0.3 micrometres across.

这也是为什么聚苯乙烯是制作自行车头盔以及其他保护装置的理想材料的原因。That's why polystyrene is ideal for use in bicycle helmets and other protective gear.

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通过傅克酰基化反应制备了羧基化交联聚苯乙烯微球。Carboxylic crosslinked polystyrene microsphere was prepared by F-C acylation reaction.

提出了测定溴化聚苯乙烯中溴含量的方法。A new method for determining the bromine content in brominated polystyrene was studied.

塑料球弹是一种垂量极轻的聚苯乙烯小球。The plastic ball ball is one kind hangs the quantity extremely light polystyrene pellet.

本工作对磺化聚苯乙烯-吖啶橙体系的光物理行为进行了研究。The photophysical behavior of polystyrene sulfonate acridine orange system has been studied.

在最后一场战斗的场景中,我们看到的那些死掉的马都是用聚苯乙烯作的。The dead horses that can be seen at the end of the battle scenes are all made of polystyrene.

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买一个聚苯乙烯罩,扣到通向阁楼的下拉式楼梯的开口上面。Buy a polystyrene hood to fit over the opening for the drop-down stairs that lead to the attic.

用分散聚合方法制备单分散聚苯乙烯微球。The monodisperse polystyrene particles were prepared by free radical dispersion polymerization.

芯材为挤塑式聚苯乙烯泡沫板,内外表面复合压花铝箔。Core material extruded polystyrene foam board, both inside and outside surface of embossed foil.

主要组成部分的系统是一个连接装置由聚氯乙烯和聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。The primary components of the system are a connection device made from PVC and polystyrene foam.

一个身穿沙漠迷彩服的胖男人朝他们走来,手里举着盛满咖啡的一次性杯子。A plump man wearing desert camouflage and holding a polystyrene cup of coffee wandered up to them.

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一次性泡沫塑料餐盒是白色污染的主要原因之一。Disposable expanded polystyrene fast food container is one of the main causes of "white pollution".

本发明适用于回收发泡聚苯乙烯的热熔回收机。The invention is suitable for the hot melting recycling machine for recycling expanded polystyrene.

如果用该薄膜来检查食品腐败,Baumberg建议加入一些甚至可以比聚苯乙烯的球体更小的碳颗粒。Dr Baumberg proposes adding a sprinkle of carbon particles even smaller than the polystyrene spheres.