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普罗旺斯是香水业的发源地。Provence is the home of perfumery.

普罗旺斯一棵成熟的桑树。A mature mulberry tree in Provence.

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普罗旺斯位于法国南部。Provence is in the south of France.

请到普罗旺斯来亲身体验一番吧!Come to Provence and experience it by yourself!

普罗旺斯一处山坡上的橄榄林呈现出一派浪漫风情。Olives look romantic on a hillside in Provence.

普罗旺斯的等待,见证那未完待续的爱。Provence wait to witness the love that to be continued.

你要是去普罗旺斯,普罗旺斯方言是书面语If you go to Provence then, Provencal is a written language.

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他们开始喋喋不休地谈论上次的普罗旺斯之行。They started wittering on about their last trip to Provence.

在普罗旺斯到处闪烁着法国阳光的魅力。The sunny charm of France joie de vivre sparkles in Provence.

1839年1月19日,保罗塞尚出生在普罗旺斯省的艾克斯市。Paul Cezanne was born in Aix en Provence on January 19th, 1839.

日本北海道的富良野也因此被誉为了东方的普罗旺斯。Furano, Hokkaido, Japan and therefore known as the Eastern Provence.

我这次旅行的目的就是放慢脚步,吸收普罗旺斯的真髓。My goal this trip is to slow down and absorb the essence of Provence.

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宁夏西昱·普罗旺斯薰衣草庄园非常欢迎小朋友们的光临。Ningxiaxiyu. Provence Lavender Manor are very welcome to visit the children.

普罗旺斯此时正是薰衣草飘香的季节,我怎么也看不够这一片片紫色的田野。It's lavender season in Provence and I can't get enough of the purple fields.

没有永无尽头阿尔卑斯的冬天,也没有爽约不至普罗旺斯的春天。Alpine is not never-ending winter, nor to Provence in the spring do not miss it.

蕴含普罗旺斯天然薰衣草精华、乳木果精华萃取液。It contains natural Provence lavender essence and Shea butter essential extract fluid.

弗雷德里克•米斯特拉尔,出生在阿尔附近,把一生献给了文学和普罗旺斯。Frederic Mistral, born not far from Arles, devoted his life to literature and Provence.

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及时不会像彼得·梅尔那样痴迷在如普罗旺斯那样呆懒于此地不走,但也能有暂时的安静。After all, I cannot be staying in Suzhou for a long time, just as Mayle did in Provence.

普罗旺斯著名薰衣草观赏地分别为鲁伯隆山区、施米亚那山区。Now the famous Provence lavender, respectively Lubailong mountain, the mountain Mia Oxfam.

正是在普罗旺斯,法国葡萄酒的摇篮,诞生了第一瓶玫瑰红葡萄酒。It was in Provence , the cadle of the French vineyard, that the first rosé wine was produced.