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并且狗是随时可以疯起来的。What's more, dogs can become demented at any time.

我们一起去过一些很出色的令人发狂的画廊开幕式。We've been to some brilliantly demented gallery openings.

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这些疯狂的海盗是灵族的亲眷,他们是银河中其他种族的诅咒。These demented cousins of the Eldar are a curse upon all races of the galaxy.

有时我看到这些人在疗养院里和真正发狂的病人合用一病房。I have occasionally seen these people in nursing homes, sharing a ward with truly demented patients.

真正疯狂的是,你可以进入模拟环境,骑上发疯似地划着弧线飞向目标的导弹。The truly demented can enter the simulation sitting astride a missile madly arching toward its target.

当时大卫虽在发狂的扫罗王追杀之下,他却因著与扫罗之子的友谊而受了安慰。Though David was hunted by the demented King Saul, he drew encouragement from his friendship with Saul's son.

记载了新约福音书和信件的耶稣基督的目击者们,并非轻信、虚伪、或是精神错乱之人。The witnesses to Jesus Christ who wrote the New Testament gospels and letters are not gullible or deceitful or demented.

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认识我的人都知道我小小也算个"角儿',有一种不入流的幽默感。Anyone who knows me also knows that I am a bit of a "character." My sense of humor is one of a warped and demented nature.

我相信那是我在用精神错乱的,上世纪五十年代家庭妇女的想法取悦他。Then I slapped on a smile despite the leg cramps. I believed I was pleasing him with my demented 1950s-housewife mentality.

一条山谷,一段劳顿的车途,和挤满了狂乱的食火鸟的农场将我和俗世文明隔开。Between me and civilization was a valley, a long and harrowing drive down a dirt track and a farm filled with demented Emus.

一道峡谷横亘于我和人类文明之间,一条绵长的煤渣下坡路,路况艰险,还有一个农场,里面全是疯狂的鸸鹋。Between me and civilization was a valley, a long and harrowing drive down a dirt track and a farm filled with demented Emus.

泡沫盖在她的眼睫毛和眉毛上,加上她那头红发,看上去立刻像精神错乱的伊丽莎白女王。The foam of it covered her lashes and brows and, with her red hair, for a minute she looked like a demented Queen Elizabeth.

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可下载全套临床服务指引,内容包含老人痴呆症的评估及行为问题及心理问颢的处理等。Full version can be downloaded. It included comprehensive guideline for the treatment of agitation behaviour of demented patient.

有时,我感觉这都不像是在育儿,更像是在打疯狂的“妙探寻凶”游戏—当然,我知道最终谁会在宴会厅中拿着绳子。Sometimes it felt less like childcare and more like a demented game of Clue -- and I knew who'd end up in the ballroom with the rope.

当一个疯子霸占了网络玩他的恶心游戏时,一个接一个的可怕死刑毫无约束的进行着。One by one a series of ever more gruesome executions goes unchecked as a demented serial killer hijacks the internet for his sick game.

然后他们俩结伴,充当走私犯和雇佣兵,但埃瓦赞依然无法摆脱切割肉体的疯狂欲望。The two then became partners, working as smugglers and mercenaries, but Evazan still was overcome by his demented cravings to carve flesh.

对30例老年人痴呆及13例非痴呆老年人的尸检材料进行临床和病理分析。Autopsied brains from 30 elderly patients with dementia and 13 non- demented elderly individuals were clinically and pathologically analysed.

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在我们对双胞胎的研究中,我们发现那些中年时期适度锻炼的个体在老年时患上痴呆的风险较小。So in our twin studies, we have found that the twin who has moderate exposure to exercise in midlife is at less risk of becoming demented in old age.

我正在构思一个精神错乱的自由作家的故事,他在一位编辑无意拼错其姓名后开始制造针对编辑们的连环凶杀案。I am thinking of a story involving a demented freelance writer who begins to serial-kill editors after one misspells the freelancer's name in a byline.

事实上,余曰,中国如今已成共和之国,盖因目今穷凶极恶低能之中国人,绞辫子而丢其文明之故也。In fact, China, I may say here, has become a republic now because the poor demented imbecile Republican Chinaman today has lost his civilization as he has lost his queue.