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创建一笔备用基金。Create a slush fund.

创建一个紧急小金库。Build an emergency fund.

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基金落袋,恰似神仙。Fund pocket, like the gods.

你的对冲基金可真多啊!Your hedge fund so massive!

按基金净值算!Calculate by fund net value!

世界银行是否资助公民社会组织?Does the World Bank fund CSOs?

我想投资博时基金。I want to invest in Boshi Fund.

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拥有一个6-9个月的紧急储备金。Have a 6-9 month emergency fund.

看看剩下的风险资金。Look at the rest of the VC's fund.

有渊博的古典文学知识。A professor has a fund of knowledge.

所有资金会直接存入瑞士银行。All fund directly goes to Swis Bank.

我的钱搁死在一笔信托基金上了。My money is tied up in a trust fund.

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选择其中一个,设立你的紧急资金。Make one of them your emergency fund.

一项为孤儿设立的基金即将建立起来。A fund will be set up for the orphans.

您是否需要开通银证转帐服务?Do you require fund transfer services?

第五,建立平准基金。Fifth, to establish stabilization fund.

现在我还没有给共同基金下一个定义。Now, I haven't defined mutual fund yet.

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图片承蒙世界自然基金会惠赠Photograph courtesy World Wildlife Fund

这将从福利费中支付。It will be paid out of the welfare fund.

上海调低二套房公积金贷款。Shanghai to reduce two suites Fund Loan.