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月经迟来了是怎么了?Is menstruation came behindhand how?

月经来的时候能不能吃枸杞?Can medlar eat when menstruation comes?

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月经过多。是什么原因?。Menstruation is overmuch. What reason be?

月经不调怀孕的几率大不大?Doesn't menstruation move pregnant odds big?

女士请避开月经期。Please avoid menstruation period for ladies.

月经迟来是什么原因?。What reason is menstruation comes behindhand ?

女孩月经肚子疼是怀孕的征兆吗?。Is girl menstruation collywobbles pregnant omen?

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月经不调可导致不孕吗?Irregular menstruation can lead to infertility it?

月经期间拉肚子是正常现象吗?Is menstruation have loose bowels normal phenomenon?

大姨妈都来了,安全期还会远么?If menstruation comes, will the safety be far behind?

月经后多少天算安全期?How much day calculates safety period after menstruation?

月经迟来一个月真的正常吗?Does menstruation come behindhand is a month normal really?

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利德尔的经前期综合征也有助于重新平衡月经不调。Liddell's PMS also helps to rebalance irregular menstruation.

小学闭经是未能建立月经。Primary amenorrhoea is the failure to establish menstruation.

益母草药,调经止带。Leonurus herbal regulates menstruation and arrest leucorrhoea.

我的月经迟来了4天,请问有影响吗?。My menstruation came 4 days behindhand, excuse me influential?

例如阳光、发烧、压力,甚至月经。Sunlight, fever, stress, and menstruation are common triggers.

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如月经一向规律的妇女出现停经。If the menstruation always rule's woman presents the menopause.

月经不调的定义、病因病机。Definition, etiology and pathogenesis of Irregular Menstruation.

月经来了呕血。流鼻血正常吗?Menstruation came haematemesis . It is normal to shed nosebleed?