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省教育厅我们是没有处罚权的。The province teachs hall we counterpoise without punishment.

毫无疑问,我的站被百度降权了。Without doubt, my station was fallen to counterpoise by Baidu.

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然后再检查被降权的友情。Next the friendship that reexamination is fallen to counterpoise.

的位置,没有在第一的位置绝大多数都为被降权了。The position, did not counterpoise to be fallen in first position great majority.

申请房地产权初始登记应提交什么文件?。Does application estate counterpoise initiative register what document should submit?

很有可能就会导致网站的将权或者是被K。Will counterpoise very likely with respect to what can bring about a website or by K.

在课堂教学的世界里,如何平衡这三种权利的运作以达到话语权共享?这是本文试图探讨的问题。In die teaching world, how to counterpoise the three rights is the topic of this thesis.

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后来投资顾问跟我讲,你怎么能这么乱发期权?Investment adviser is told with me later, you how can so does tousle period counterpoise ?

王菲就其违法背德行为不享有隐私权。Wang Fei violates back mitzvah to counterpoise to do not enjoy privacy with respect to its.

第二,网站变动不要太大,否则会被降权或者被K。The 2nd, the website is fluctuant not too big, can be fallen to counterpoise otherwise or by K.

为了解决问题,我也在网上看了别人网站被降权的案例。To solve a problem, I also saw the case that others website is fallen to counterpoise on the net.

如果你的友情链接被百度降权的话,那么你的网站可能会受到牵连。If your friendship links the word that is fallen to counterpoise by Baidu, so your website may get embroil.

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例如,俄罗斯正利用它对天然气的控制对付欧盟喝美国的政策主动。Russia, for instance, is using its control of natural gas to counterpoise EU and American policy initiatives.

为了克服资本多数决的弊端,平衡股东间的利益冲突,对特别情形下的股东表决权予以排除是十分必要的。In order to overcome the weakness of the majority rule and counterpoise the conflict of interests between the shareholders.

从言论自由的角度来讲,每个人都有自己的话语权,这是一种历史的进步。Will tell from the angle of free speech, everybody has his speech to counterpoise , this is the progress of a kind of history.

这反映出,雅虎和微软博弈的话语权,已完全落到雅虎股东手上。This report goes out, yahoo and the speech that Microsoft rich weichis counterpoise , fall completely already to Yahoo partner hand.

切实加强对重点旅游项目建设的组织领导,建立更加有力的项目推进机制。Cogent the constituent leadership that strengthens counterpoise to nod travel project to build, build more strong project to advance a mechanism.

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当然,责任可能不能全怪他们,我们在解放表达权方面,可能更需要进步一些。Of course, responsibility cannot blame them possibly completely, we counterpoise in emancipatory expression respect, the likelihood needs to progress more a few.

印度是完全结盟与美国和西方,中国的害怕的,因为“联盟有可能建立一个技术优越的平衡。”India is totally allying with the US and the West, and China's scared about that because "the alliance has the potential to create a technologically superior counterpoise."

此外,农民工自身素质以及在拓宽信息渠道方面的新问题,都制约了其对话语权的有效行使。In addition, quality of oneself of peasant worker worker and in widen the problem of news channel respect, restricted the effective exercise that its counterpoise to speech.