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他指着停车场上闪亮的,线条优美的红色法拉利说道。He pointed to a bright red sleekly gleaming Ferrari in the parking lot.

到了厨房,你把一袋面粉放在精心设计的光滑的石台上。In the kitchen, you set a bag of flour on the sleekly engineered stone counter.

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树型控件显示真彩位图,使你的树型控件更加漂亮,美观,实用!Tree controls showed sleekly bitmap, so that your tree controls more beautiful, beautiful and practical!

纽约市地标图片。光滑的有计划的海上的酒店在时尚的切尔西坐落两个街区恰好时尚的肉类加工厂以北。The sleekly designed Maritime Hotel in hip Chelsea sits two blocks north of the even hipper Meatpacking District.

她身高近6英尺,苗条而有贵族气派,打扮高雅,不论在哪里都是众人瞩目的焦点。Nearly 6 ft. tall, imperially slim and sleekly dressed, she is usually the cynosure of attention at any gathering.

有将近6英尺的身高,纤细端庄的体态还有妥当的装扮,使她无论在何种场合,都成为了万众瞩目的焦点。Nearly 6 feet tall, imperially slim and sleekly dressed, she is usually the cynosure of attention at any gathering.

现代技术和设计精良的家具和古代亚洲的灵修图像和工艺品很难看的混在一起。Modern technology and sleekly designed furniture seamlessly blend with images and artifacts of ancient Asian spirituality.

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如果你不需要它,把它挂倒在墙上的钩子和似的,它改变成色彩斑斓的光滑风格鹿头。If you don't need it , hang it upside down on a wall hook and presto, it changes into a colourful, sleekly stylized deer head.

大肠早癌自体荧光诊断仪设计新颖,全部采用流线型设计,具有人性化理念,操作简便,实用性强。Laser-induced autofluorescence diagnosis instrument for early-colorectal cancer is designed sleekly and up to date, and possesses human nature.

“那车就是我的。”他指着停车场上闪亮的,线条优美的红色法拉利说道。“旁边的蓝宝坚尼和玛莎拉蒂都是。”“That car there, it is mine.” He pointed to a bright red sleekly gleaming Ferrari in the parking lot. “Also the Lamborghini beside it. And the Maserati.”

要创造乐趣、气派、多才多艺,浑厚现代ybr125负担,经济效益和质量与部件制造日复一日出可靠性。Created to be fun, stylish and versatile, the sleekly modern YBR125 is affordable, economical and manufactured with quality components for day-in day-out reliability.

精雕细琢的水池,高科技控制的面板,自动盖子,可以加热的座椅以及内置的坐浴盘,这种“全自动座便器”詹姆斯.邦德先生就一定会使用。With its sleekly sculpted basin, high-tech control panel, automatic lid, heated seat and built-in bidet, the “Neorest” is the sort of lavatory that would surely be used by James Bond.

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我们只是另找了一个冠冕堂皇的科学术语来替代“一旦吸毒,终生成瘾”这个口号,“毒瘾是一种慢性的复发性大脑病变”。“Once an addict, always an addict” has merely been replaced by a newer and more sleekly scientific version of the same concept, namely, “addiction is a chronic and relapsing brain disease.”