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他们两人都于穷困潦倒中死去。Both of them died in abject poverty.

他对老板的尊敬几乎是低三下四。He is almost abject in his respect for his boss.

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他们见到制服警察时的惊怖之情是让人绝望的。Their terror at the sight of uniforms was abject.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫。Rise, and don't degrade youself into an abject reptile.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫。Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile.

我不愿人们看见我因向山坡投降而卑躬屈膝地步行上去。I wasn't about to be seen hoofing it in abject surrender.

通常都是男性成为这种宣言的悲惨受害者。Men are most often the abject victims of such a statement.

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起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫——可别!Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile--don't!'

这样断气是耻辱的,最后飘浮着的幻影是卑贱的。It is humiliating to expire. The supreme floating visions are abject.

战胜压迫,卑微的贫穷,以及可怕的疾病才是困难的。Overcoming oppression and abject poverty and terrible disease is hard.

我们在信念有余和不敷乐观中,迎来了新的一年。We activate this New Year with abject activity and biconcave optimism.

她的出生地就在意大利边境附近,但是真的很贫寒She was born right near the Italian border, but just in abject poverty.

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那些奴隶的可怜的状况让他放弃的对自己的社会的效忠。The abject condition of those bondage saw him abjure all fealty to his society.

第一部分,关于挪用公款罪侵犯的客体和犯罪对象。First section, the abject and target violated by crime of embezzle public funds.

Pippin说用动物来研究人类疾病是一个“不幸的错误”。Dr. Pippin said that using animals to study human diseases is "an abject failure."

她只想,怎么才是最好的方法,能让游苔莎认为她这次的访问令人可佩,而不令人可鄙。She only thought how best to make her visit appear to eustacia not abject but wise.

我渴望闭上眼睛屏蔽掉这些画面,但是我卑微而惊恐地发觉,我无法做到。I longed to shut my eyes against these visions, but to my abject horror I could not.

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两个最不幸的维基经济学受害者是报纸和音乐行业。Two of the most abject victims of wikinomics are the newspaper and music industries.

在物质贫乏的环境里依然能保持善良,可以说是一种高贵!Being able to stay good-hearted in abject poverty is absolutely commendable and noble.

在这一层意义上说,格瓦拉彻底地失败了。他的失败确实大快人心。In this sense, Che was an absolute abject failure and it's a damn good thing that he was.