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她的面色变得蜡黄。Her face turned waxen.

那老头苍白的脸冰凉。The old man's waxen face was cold.

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散普丽斯姆姆却和白蜡一样白。Sister Simplice was white, with a waxen pallor.

她就急忙赶到女儿房中,一看女儿面色白得同蜡一般,呼吸微弱,眼睛也闭了。Vesta's pale, waxen face told the story. She was breathing faintly, her eyes closed.

采用自制的高分子蜡乳液对白炭黑进行改性处理。Self-made macromolecule waxen emulsion was applied to modify superfine amorphous silica.

中光黑色水性处理剂,具有极高的蜡感,适用于牛皮、小牛皮、羊皮、蛇皮等高档皮料。Black aqueous topcoats, Giving high waxen looking Applied cowhide calf skin , sheep skin and snake skin etc.

焦化蜡油可以作为催化装置掺炼原料,在催化装置内进一步加工,增加企业汽油和柴油产量。The coking waxen oil can be added the material of the coking equipment to increase the productivity of the gasoline and diesel oil.

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哈利眼角的余光看到,贝拉特里克斯冲向了狼人,她手里紧握着格兰芬多宝剑,脸色蜡白。Out of the corners of his eyes Harry saw Bellatrix bearing down upon the werewolf, the sword of Gryffindor gripped tightly in her hand, her face waxen.

她像一朵百合花,但他从未探测过这花从多深的水的深处吸取了她那柔和的美丽和芬芳。He drew near this lily, which had sucked its waxen beauty and perfume from below a depth of waters which he had never penetrated, and out of ooze and mould which he could not understand.

于是雷斯脱停灵在异姓人的客堂,头前脚后都点着阴惨惨的蜡烛,胸前放着一个银质十字架,由死者白蜡一般的双手亲自捧着,看起来觉得很奇怪。It was curious to see him lying in the parlour of this alien residence, candles at his head and feet, burning sepulchrally, a silver cross upon his breast, caressed by his waxen fingers.