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这是手工制作的,传统瓷器。It's hand-made, traditional lacquer.

有光漆不好也是一个原因。Glazed lacquer is bad also be a reason.

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我的雪松木杆上涂了六层漆。My cedar receives six coats of lacquer.

他们最后给桌子上了黄漆。They finished the table in yellow lacquer.

你知道油漆的全部成分吗?Do you know all the ingredients of lacquer?

我们用古式红漆仔细油漆了这张桌子。We finished the desk in antique red lacquer.

现在我们看到的这个就是云纹漆鼎。This is the lacquer tripod with cloud design.

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黑漆的塞尔默的男中音,巴黎的CA。Black lacquer baritone by by Selmer, Paris ca.

是嵌象牙大漆装吗?Is it big lacquer fittings with ivory wedged ?

石板路,马头墙,青灰瓦,朱漆梁。Stone Road, Ma Tau wallwatts, red lacquer beam.

福州是中国漆艺成长的热土。Fuzhou is the wonder land for Chinese lacquer art.

漆画有绘画和工艺的双重性。Lacquer has the dual nature of painting and craft.

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木胎,漆表呈黑、红二色。Fetal wood, lacquer table was black, red dichroism.

木工,金属,塑胶,藤器等压克力喷漆。Acrylic lacquer for wood, metal, plastic, Cane-work.

金漆镶嵌制品,绚丽典雅。Gold-inlaid lacquer ware is elegant and magnificent.

在中国的南方生长着一种叫叫“漆树”的植物。In South China there is a plant called "lacquer tree".

我被天蓝色的绸子和光亮的漆器包围着。I was surrounded by sky-blue silk and polished lacquer.

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我被天蓝色的绸子和光亮的漆器包围著。I was surrounded by sky-blue silk and polished lacquer.

有保护漆面的效果。This product has effects of protecting lacquer surface.

装潢风格非常简单——白色墙上镶着漆成黑色的裙板。The decor is simple—black lacquer panels on white walls.