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你经常徒步旅行吗?Do you hike often?

宝贝,把你裤子往上提一提。Hike your trousers up,baby.

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乔和特雷弗一起远足。Joe and Trever hike together.

我喜欢徒步观赏瀑布。I’d like to hike the Cascades.

没有啥机关不用先徒步十里?。No sit-ups. No, ten-mile hike.

他打算徒步旅行环游世界一周。He wants to hike round the world.

没有中我目下现古也很少远足了。I don't hike a whole lot anymore.

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那次远足几乎要了她的命。The long hike nearly did for her.

健行了那么一大段路后你感觉如何?How do you feel after a long hike?

需要长途跋涉才能来到冰瀑的底端。I hike to the base of a waterfall.

别带汤姆去徒步旅行,他的身体还很虚弱。Not to hike Tom,who is still weak.

天!远足之后我可真累惨了。God! I am dog-tired after the hike.

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我喜欢爬山和骑脚车。I like to hike and ride the bicycle.

邀请她徒步远足或者骑自行车。Invite her on a hike or a bike ride.

好吧,那我们慢慢走。Is always right, that we slowly hike.

我看这回还真得远足了。It'll be a really long hike this time.

长途跋涉中她的脚起泡了。Her feet blistered during the long hike.

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当我们去野营的时候,我在树林里步行。When we go camping, I hike in the woods.

我一直都想去走走卡拉劳步道。I've always wanted to hike the Kalalau Trail.

你可以远足或驾车穿过公园到达那里。You can hike there or drive through the park.