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嘿吹吹我的口哨来吧“纽约客”!Hey blow my whistle Come on"The New Yorker"!

“你是土生土长的纽约人吗?”艾姆斯问嘉莉。"Are you a born New Yorker?" asked Ames of Carrie.

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如果你询问一个纽约人怎么去某个地铁站或者别的地方。If you ask a New Yorker for how to get to a certain subway stop or whatever,

我们在空间利用上花费了不少心思,我非常希望能再增加一个壁橱——大概每个纽约人都有这个想法。Space-wise, we could definitely use another closet or room — what New Yorker couldn’t?

一个伦敦人理解一个苏格兰人比理解一个纽约人更难。A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman than understanding a New Yorker.

下班的时候,再开著充好电的电动车回到温暖的家。In the evening, the New Yorker came back to his warm house with the full-recharged vehicle.

巴黎人、伦敦人、纽约人可能因为一条河没有码头、没有咖啡馆、没有散步长廊、没有巡航船而感到失望。Parisian, Londoner or New Yorker might find this sad—no quays, cafés, promenades, boat cruises.

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纽约客杂志可以说有着世界上最好的新闻文字报道,我每周都坚持阅读。The New Yorker has the best long-form. journalism in the English language. I read it every week.

在西元1962年六月刊登于「纽约客」中,这本书刺激了许多的人或团体。Silent Spring, serialized in the New Yorker in June 1962, gored corporate oxen all over the country.

伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人说话比听懂纽约人说话更难。A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.

当代的美国人可以通过库什曼抓拍的照片看一看这座城市的变迁。A modern New Yorker will see at a glance how the city has changed since Cushman snapped these photos.

如果你是二十五岁,你会知道有一些人在纽约时报上发表了其第一篇文章。If you’re twenty-five, you’ll know people who are getting their first pieces published in The New Yorker.

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在大约一万两千公里外的地方,三十二岁的纽约人麦可怀兹把他的时间都用在找新工作上。Nearly 12,000 kilometers away, 32-year-old New Yorker Michael Weitz spends his days looking for a new job.

这场战争将决定你是会成为一个纽约市民还是变成最卑微的外来人员和平庸之辈。The battle is to decide whether you shall become a New Yorker or turn the rankest outlander and Philistine.

一个有政治抱负的纽约人若忽视圣帕特里克节就不会有任何胜选的希望。A New Yorker with political aspirations who ignored St. Patrick’s Day imperiled any hope of achieving office.

但我们同样意识到,当一个纽约人的一部分,就是要同你的邻人在互相尊重容忍下共同生活。But we also recognize that part of being a New Yorker is living with your neighbors in mutual respect and tolerance.

你在这上面看到的很多短篇只是那些作家无心插柳,有形无神的作品。So much of that short stuff that you see in The New Yorker is just a comic idea that some writer gets and puts down.

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没有人想要拘留犯,”纽约人杂志援引参加袭击的特殊行动官员说。No one wanted detainees, " a special-operations officer in the raid was quoted as saying by The New Yorker magazine."

本周的“纽约人”刊登了肯奥莱塔的一篇精辟论述--iPad对出版业意味着什么。This week's New Yorker brings an excellent overview by Ken Auletta of what the iPad means for the publishing industry.

在一个生日庆祝会上,最有趣的事情就是,罗伯特·德尼罗教我如何像一个真正的纽约州人那样讲话。The most fun was a birthday celebration in which Robert De Niro gave me instructions on how to talk like a real New Yorker.