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你今晚有借宿的地方吗?。Do you have lodging for tonight?

您是否能让我借住一晚呢?Will you give me a night's lodging?

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还有,提前把住的地方订好。Again, book your lodging in advance.

他在他的住处度过了圣诞节。He spent Christmas Day in his lodging.

膳宿费一天要多少钱?How much is boarding and lodging a day?

膳宿费一天要多少?How much is boarding and lodging a diy?

我每周付10英镑的食宿费。I pay£ 10 a week for board and lodging.

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谁将负责他的食宿?Who will look to his board and lodging?

但这不包括食宿费。But that does not cover food and lodging.

膳宿费一天多少?How much is boarding and lodging per day?

你今晚在哪里借宿?Where can you find lodging for the night?

一位守寡的史密斯夫人,住在西门大楼!A widow Mrs Smith lodging in Westgate Buildings!

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他们中的几个人在同一公寓里膳宿。Several of them board at the same lodging house.

他们跟踪那个费利克斯到了他的住处。They have tracked the man feliks to his lodging.

外国人来绍住宿登记有何规定?What regulations on foreigners lodging in Shaoxing?

宿舍区的阳台挂了很多红旗…A lot of red flags are hanging in the lodging house.

我们就短重问题向你方提出索赔。We are lodging a claim with you for the short weight.

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自离开学校后,我一直寄宿在史蒂文森家。I've been lodging with Stevensons since I left school.

三个疲惫的旅行者请求借宿一夜。The three tired travellers asked for a night's lodging.

倒伏严重影响玉米产量和品质。Lodging seriously influenced the yield and quality of maize.