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她对这很气恼。She was in a peeve over it.

这是我个人的一点小小忌讳。This is a pet peeve of mine.

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哦,有些国家要气急败坏了。祝贺!Oh this is going to peeve a few nations. Congrats!

此时协会中的歪风邪气是令她最气恼的事。The iniquities of the unions are her pet peeve at the moment.

虽然我们对这个议题,我像是对著空气生气的宠物。While we're on this topic, I'd like to air a pet peeve of mine.

我不相信竟能惹恼那个“好好先生”。I don't believe that you'll ever be able to peeve the “yes-man.”

请记住,那些触怒你的基督徒们——神同样拣选了他们。Remember, those Christians who peeve you so much—God chose them too.

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我最受不了排队,让我觉得自己是在浪费生命。Waiting in line is my pet peeve. I feel like I'm wasting my life away.

新哥特音乐流派,比如EBM等,则是他们最无法忍受的东西。New "goth" music genres such as EBM are perhaps their biggest pet peeve.

叫我头痛的是太多的人抄别人的东西。My pet peeve is that so many people here are coping articles written by others.

我对提到“系统”的分析级文档感到特别头疼。I have a particular pet peeve about an analysis-level document that mentions "the system."

在创建口令句时,人们可以想一个怪诞的场景,甚至是一个让人恼火的短语。To create a passphrase, people should think of a whimsical situation or even a phrase invoking a pet peeve.

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我的忌讳?客人一爪戳进一打衬衫里。我就得花15分钟重新把这些衣服整好。My pet peeve? Customers who paw through a stack of shirts. Now I've got to spend 15 minutes board-folding that whole pile again.

我不开心吗?顾客总是把已经叠好的衣服拿起来摸一摸,而我又得花15分钟的时间把它们重新整理好。My pet peeve? Customers who paw through a stack of shirts. Now I've got to spend 15 minutes board-folding that whole pile again.

罗宾逊的态度可能是德安东尼发火的结果,或者这是为了能获得一个长期的续约合同。Robinson's attitude was a pet peeve of Mike D'Antoni's last season and may have played a role in his inability to sign a long term contract.

美国南部佐治亚州的一所中学为了激励数学和自然成绩较差的学生上补习班,将为他们提供每小时八美元的奖励。A high school in the southern US state of Georgia is offering students who are weak in math and science eight dollars an hour to go to study hall and review their pet peeve subjects.