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当磁带完了时把它倒回去。Rewind the tape when it comes to the end.

我只说一次,补充燃料,恢复活力。I spit it once, refuel, reenergize, and rewind.

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请你把这些线重新绕在线轴儿上好吗?Would you please rewind the thread onto the reel?

我们又绕回到了这里,对右半部分排序。Well, then we rewind which means now sort the right half.

新的幻灯片有快进或快退的功能。Fast-forward or rewind your slideshow using the new filmstrip.

你可以倒带你的教训,任何时候你想要奏出行动阶级。You can rewind your lesson any time you want for a tune-up class.

你告诉我这台电视有回播的功能吗?You're telling me this TiVo machine can pause and rewind live TV?

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再一次地,我的退休金被席卷一空。Again, rewind my retirement plans back to 0 and shift them intoidle.

当磁带播放完毕,李拉便打开壁橱的门,按下“倒带”键。When the tape was over, Lyla opened the closet door and pressed rewind.

能把松驰且端面不整齐的卷料重卷为紧实整齐的卷料。This machine can rewind the web from flabbiness to firmness and neatness.

让我们看一下美国是如何对待人口控制的。Let’s rewind a bit to see how involved the US really is on population control.

此外,在防止缠绕电缆退建,延长电缆使用寿命。Furthermore the built in cable rewind prevents tangling and prolongs cable life.

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他把控制键转换到回答-播放模式,然后等待倒带。He switched the control to the answer-play mode and waited for the tape to rewind.

这是一个非常好的事情的生活没有回卷按钮像我们常常希望它。It's a very good thing life does not have a rewind button like we so often wish it did.

请时刻记住,你的听众并不拥有这样的奢侈--把你的演讲减速或者重播。Always remember that your audiences do not have the luxury to rewind or slow down your speech.

当然,如果有一些实在难以理解,你也可以暂停和回放。Of course, you can pause and rewind the film if there are certain bits that really mystify you.

DVR能对数字视频进行VCR所能做的操作,即放映、暂停、停止、快进和快退。DVR to VCR of digital video can do the operation, which shows, pause, stop, fast forward and rewind.

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如暂停轻松接入功能,播放,快进,快退和一边看全屏电影。Easily access functions like pause, play, fast-forward, and rewind while watching full-screen movies.

你希望用到的另一个不错的功能是将媒体中心用作录像机来录制、暂停和回放直播电视。Another cool feature you’ll want to get started with is using it as a DVR to record, pause, and rewind live TV.

我们先倒回去一点,我没有误导,因为我忘记了,更新这两个单元。Let me rewind slightly in the story so that I don't actually mislead because I forgot to update these two cells.