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是我的梅酒。It's my plum wine.

离开李树。Off the plum tree.

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这就是我们李子树。It was our plum tree.

深沉的红洋李色泽。Deep, plum red in color.

这个梅儿明天就知道了。This plum son tomorrow know.

再拿出梅花A和梅花A上面一张。Take A and A plum plum above a.

母亲做了一些蜜饯洋李。Mother made some plum preserves.

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李子树今年开花得好。Plum trees bloom well this year.

韩佳,梅峰上面有什么?Han Jia, what's on the Plum Peak?

它被我们称作李子树。It became known as our plum tree.

醇口的洋李白兰地吧!Try our velvet-smooth plum brandy!

在哪里可以买到乌梅丸?Where can purchase dark plum ball?

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雪在下,梅花在开放。Snow in the next, plum in the open.

想象你嘴里有一个李子。Try imagining a plum in your mouth.

黑梅白梅一样甜。A black plum is as sweet as a white.

我看见一只小鸟飞到李子树。I saw a bird flying to my plum tree.

苹果,梨子,梅子和樱桃。An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry.

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月芽湖畔梅花开。The plum blooms by the Crescent Lake.

因此李子布丁是一种英国食物?Has anyone here ever had plum pudding?

漫山遍野都是盛开的梅花。Plum blossoms are blooming everywhere.