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务必使我们的节目个性化。Make sure to individualize our program.

他的写作风格消除了过浓的地方色彩。Does your style of writing individualize your work?

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你的写作风格使你的作品具有个性吗?Does your style of writing individualize your work?

你的写作风格是否体现在你的作品中了?。Does your style of writing individualize your work?

就像医生们说的,我们应该个别对待每一个例子。We ought, as the doctors say, to individualize each case.

我们必须使我们的产品个性化,特点突出。We must individualize our products and make them outstanding.

不仅要有个性,还要收取方便。Want to individualize not only, even collection is convenient.

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然而市场营销学倾向于使这个概念个人化。However there is a trend in marketing to individualize the concept.

监犯在牢房里挂上了画片等东西,都想营造些个人气氛。Prisoner try to individualize their cell by hanging up picture, etc.

而且植入给药不能实现个性化给药,而口服很容易做到。And you can't individualize the dose, which is very easy to do with the oral drug.

目前的主要问题是区别哪些是血小板抵抗的患者。The main problem for the moment is to identify and individualize the patients who are resistant.

一方面所有卒中患者均应进行降压治疗,而另一方面治疗方案应个体化。One should try to reduce blood pressure in all stroke patients but one must individualize the treatment.

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我们鼓励患者积极锻炼,并根据患者的独特需求采取有针对性的治疗方法。We encourage them to remain active and mobile, and we individualize therapy according to specific needs.

不管你现在是如何的有信心,你的网站是如何的有个性和特色。Without giving thought to you now is how have hope, your website is how individualize and characteristic.

为达到个体化降糖目标,目前的指南应做哪些变化?In order to individualize the treatment goals, what kind of changes should be made to the current guidelines?

管理创新是企业创新的组织保证,是管理实现个性化的主要手段。Management innovation is the organization guarantee of enterprise innovation and the main means to individualize the management.

这一教学法的主要目标是提供个别化教学和帮助学生成为成熟的学习者。The main objectives of the teaching method are to individualize instruction to different learner categories and to empower learners.

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从实际教学效果看,转换成功的关键,在于可体现个性化设计的差异点的寻找。Results show that the key point of modification is to find one or more difference which could be used to individualize the designing work.

医学院的学生要学习问病人每天做些活动,工作之类的问题。可以每个病人的情况,治疗方案。Medical students are taught to ask the patient about daily activities and responsibilities so they can individualize a patient's treatment.

这项研究能够帮助临床医生给长期和复杂型的青少年患者抑郁制定个性化的治疗策略。The study's findings can help clinicians individualize treatmentplans for adolescents with more chronic and complicated formsof depression.