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他在一次车祸中残废了。He was maimed in the car accident.

汤姆在战争中受重伤而残废。Tom was seriously maimed in the war.

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他在一次意外事故中受重伤而残废。He was seriously maimed in an accident.

他将终生成为一个残废人。He becomes a maimed man with all one's life.

还有上百人据称已被杀害或致残。Hundreds are alleged to have been killed or maimed.

印度不久将为破铜烂铁付出代价。Soon India will have to pay the price with maimed arms.

并且,他的这些袭击行为也造成了更多的平民伤亡。Still, his attacks have killed and maimed many more civilians.

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性能落后的火箭弹致使更多的加沙人残废,而非以色列人。The rudimentary rockets have maimed more Gazans than Israelis.

失败者们会为了党内的团结而停止他们的抱怨。The losers and maimed quell their sniffling for the sake of unity.

就连这句奉承话,也没有使这个残废的美人儿稍微平和一点儿,不那么刻薄。Even the compliment did not soften the asperity of the maimed beauty.

因为他们没有永远残废或丧命,仅属暂时.Because they haven't been maimed and killed forever. Just temporarily.

袭击造成了近300人死亡,超过1000人残废。Almost 300 people died in the attacks and more than 1, 000 were maimed.

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她在意外事故中大难不死,但却终身残废,再也不能行走了…She survived the accident but she was maimed for life and will never walk again.

阿纳金被断手,精疲力竭地倒地,跟他无助的师父一样。Anakin was maimed and collapsed in an exhausted heap, joining his helpless master.

英军士兵被杀人数,据测达179人,致残者有数百人之多。The number of British soldiers killed stands at 179, hundreds more have been maimed.

为了防止他的怪兽们散架子,波林经常要用他那只残疾的手费力地拧紧螺钉,这常常让他感到不便。Pauline's maimed hand often has trouble threading a bolt to keep his monsters together.

哈利扭头看了看那边椅子下面发抖的受伤的小生命。Harry glanced over his shoulder to where the small, maimed creature trembled under the chair.

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每年都有数百人被这些埋在地里的玩艺儿炸死、炸烂和炸残。Hundreds of people are killed, shredded, and maimed each year due to these insidious devices.

陈文杰装成双腿残废,爬着要饭供陈青云到京城。Chen Wenjie holds geminate leg maimed person, climbing beggar arrive for Chen Qingyun capital.

自从战争开始以来,海达只是成千上万被致残或夺去生命的伊拉克人中的一个。And Haidar is just one of tens of thousands of Iraqis who've been maimed or killed since the war.