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可以给我一些奶油和一把木槌吗?Could I get some cream and a mallet ?

此外,也可以导致槌状脚指。In addition, can also lead to mallet toes.

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这个年轻人挥动球棍准备击球。The young man swung his mallet for another blow.

主席用他的小木槌在桌上重敲了两下。The chairman rapped on the table twice with his mallet.

带着犁耙和炼炉,极棒和琴瑟。Take the plough and the forge and the mallet and the lute

马拉特说,“我们现在只是刚开始触及到问题的表面。”"We are only beginning to scratch the surface," says Mallet.

女眷们想想也是,赶紧竖起耳朵去听。The womenfolk of a families want is also, hurriedly mallet out ear to listen to.

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EA这款曲棍球桌台为你带来随时随地的享受兴奋的经典竞赛游戏!Drop that mallet and bring the thrill of the arcade everywhere with EA Air Hockey!

凤舞微笑着将雷槌和冥神之矛收起。The Feng dance smiles to lay up the pike of thunder mallet and night absolute being.

第29分钟,科隆中场安塔尔就接角球头槌击中横梁。The 29th minute, Cologne middle place Antar meets a corner kick mallet to hit the crossbeam.

亡灵战士的剑锋几乎贴着我的肩膀打了过去。The Wu works properly the edge of sword of warrior to almost mallet my elbow to beat to pass by.

我跪在松动的地板上,用橡皮锤把木板敲到适当的位置。I knelt on loose boards, tapping each plank into place with a rubber mallet and then nailing it home.

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用火烈鸟作球杆,用刺猬作球,仙境中的槌球戏显得如此荒谬。Using a flamingo as a mallet and a hedgehog as a ball, the game of croquet is pretty absurd in Wonderland.

干活时,他把自己绑在轮椅上,以便在挥动斧头或木槌时使身体保持稳定。He learned to strap himself tightly to the chair to keep his body anchored while he wielded an axe or a mallet.

我甚至还有一把300多年前的木槌。I even have a wooden mallet that was used by a judge over 300 years ago during condemnation proceedings in Salem.

这个周末,周围的农夫都会来参加在谢尔顿马利特举行的全英巨型蔬菜锦标赛。This weekend growers from all over the country will congregate for the UK Giant Vegetable Championship in Shepton Mallet.

本发明涉及法庭审判所使用的法槌,具体涉及一种多功能电子法槌。The invention relates to a judicial mallet for justice in the court, in particular to a multi-function electronic judicial mallet.

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运用旅游业市场竞争态模型,分析入境旅游市场的客源地构成特点。Based on the model of tourism mallet competition state, the characteristic of source-market of inbound tourism market was analysed.

目的介绍应用延长指背腱膜中央束治疗锤状指的方法和疗效。Objective To introduce the method of central slip lengthening for management of mallet fingers, and evaluate the treatment outcome.

将小鸡槌细小的一端,用剪刀在贴骨处剪至离骨,轻手将肉反下成小槌状。Use scissors to cut and separate the bones from the flesh at tip of chicken wing. Lightly fold the flesh down to shape like a mallet.