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他是被一个严厉的喀尔文教徒家庭抚养长大。He was brought up in a strict Calvinist household.

早期的美国移民是卡尔文式禁欲主义的信民。The early settlers believed in Calvinist restraint.

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尤其是这样的加尔文主义的传统。This is particularly true of the Calvinist tradition.

基督教加尔文主义拥有瞩目的产业文化。Calvinist Christianity has a culture of phenomenal industry.

与之相比,市政厅的布局则非常简陋,因为这属于加尔文主义教派The town hall was in very modest proportions because it's Calvinist.

到19世纪,美国加尔文教的反天主教情绪又死灰复燃。The anti-Catholicism of America’s Calvinist past found new voice in the 19th century.

1572年圣巴多罗买节惨案追捕并杀害成千的加尔文贵族。The St. Bartholomew massacre in 1572 hunted down and killed thousands of these Calvinist nobles.

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譬如在德国,普鲁士人和加尔文主义者关于早起的信仰仍具有说服性。InGermany, for example, Prussian and Calvinist beliefs about the value ofrising early are still pervasive.

艺术没有繁荣,是因为到十六世纪中叶开始的加尔文主义的影响。The arts didn't flourish because of the Calvinist influence beginning by the middle of the sixteenth century.

她谈到了关于加尔文教在中国的精英群体中广为流传,这个现象十分特别。The story she told of the spread of Calvinist religion as an elite religion in China was quite extraordinary.

这种叫做加尔文宿命论的观点,与主流英国清教主义相一致。And this belief that's called Calvinist predestination is really at the heart of mainstream English Puritanism at this point.

特兰西瓦尼亚摆脱了罗马天主教的宗教控制,允许路德教会和加尔文教会在境内传教。Transylvania was now beyond the reach of Catholic religious authority, allowing Lutheran and Calvinist preaching to flourish.

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他使苏格兰成为世界上最虔诚的加尔文主义国家。长老会和长老会形式的教会政府开始建立。He made Scotland the most devoutly Calvinist country in the world. This started the Presbyterian Church and its form of church government.

1585年加尔文教徒在安特卫普的执政终结后,渐渐地城内的教堂又重新被用艺术品装饰起来。After the termination of the Calvinist regime in Antwerp in 1585, the city's churches were gradually decorated once again with works of art.

所有这些加尔文教派的教义都是「不民主的」,并且「污辱」了盛行的「人有无限的能力创造自己的未来」之观念。All these Calvinist doctrines were " undemocratic " and "insulted" the reigning notions of man's unlimited capacity to forge his own future.

这种矛盾的实质是霍桑的罪恶观的两大支柱加尔文清教主义神学观与人道主义道德观的对立冲突。The essence of the contradiction was the confliction between the Calvinist Puritanism and humanism which were two pillar of Hawthorn's idea about evil.

加尔文主义者的商人,把他们所赚的钱,重新投入到事业中,透过银行或股票,投资在其他的商业上。Calvinist businessmen plowed their profits back into their businesses or, through banks or stock arrangements, invested their money in other businesses.

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还有一个更具体,更局部的原因,弥尔顿易受,卡尔文新教神学的盈亏理论的影响。There's also a more specific, a more local, reason for which our John Milton was susceptible to this profit-and-loss rhetoric of Calvinist puritan theology.

还有一个更具体,更局部的原因,弥尔顿易受,卡尔文新教神学的盈亏理论的影响。There's also a more specific, a more local, reason for which our John Milton was susceptible to this profit-and-loss rhetoric of Calvinist puritan theology.

西班牙国王腓力二世试图镇压所有不信奉国教的人。加尔文主义的牧师是其中为了信仰自由而战的最早的自由战士或者说是游击队战士。Philip II of Spain tried to crush all dissent. Calvinist ministers were among the earliest freedom fighters or perhaps guerrilla warriors for religious liberty.