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推土机,重建我们的防御!Dozers, rebuild our defenses!

但是,将来我们可以重修新办公室。We can rebuild the office later.

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我们需要全部重新翻修。We needed to completely rebuild.

怎样才能重新建立起我对他的信任?How can I rebuild my trust in him?

那当初为什么会修复水绘园呢?Why did he rebuild Shuihui Garden?

鲍兹·尼格罗一直没有重新修建他的房屋。Boaz Negro did not rebuild his house.

日过三关,重塑尊严!Go through 3 ordeals & rebuild dignity!

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如果我们有足够的钱,我们可以重建家园。If we have enough money we can rebuild.

世卫将协助重建缅甸医疗设施WHO to Rebuild Health Facilities in Burma

那就重新开始啊,你是Waldorf,记得吗?So rebuild it. You’re a Waldorf, remember?

我希望每个人都能重建家园。I hope everyone can rebuild their own homes.

比利时人应该重建这里的一切。The Belgians ought to rebuild everything here.

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好,这就让我们得去看看,这个看起来很时髦的东西了。OK, I'm going to go back and rebuild the class.

机器完成过程中实现框架改造。Machine in process of complete frame-up rebuild.

现在只需要重新构建程序集模块。Now you only need to rebuild the assembly module.

有些需要重建,加点东西,然后and kind of having to rebuild or add stuff, and then

ROFS重建图像可以使用建立接口。ROFS images can be rebuild using the build interface.

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这一程序不明确。你整修或重建?This procedure is not clear. Do you refit or rebuild?

因为耶和华建造了锡安,在他荣耀里显现。For the Lord will rebuild Zion and appear in his glory.

因此,回头是岸对她们来说非常困难。So it's very difficult for them to rebuild their lives.